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Mac Customization $


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:lol: point taken.. still tho, 8 grand for a computer.. wow..

IBM does not sell them anymore, or won't be soon, but check out their workstaions. I think we pay like 7k per intelistation M. Any workstation is gonna be over 6k. I think the wildcat 100s are still over 1200. Also if you take the memory back to something like 4 gigs or even two the price comes way way down

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Yeah, Gates does have a Mac. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer kind of thing. Some guy got fired awhile back for sharing a picture of Microsoft taking delivery of a literal truck load of G5s. Also, notice that when you ad 4GB of RAM to the G5, the RAM costs more than the computer. Apple is notorious for it's high prices on factory installed RAM. Its much cheaper to get from Crucial and put it in yourself. I'm 19 and on my 4th Mac, and I still use them all. I probaly wouldn't buy a PC, but I wouldn't reject a free one. I use this 17" PowerBook laptop (1.5GHz) as my main computer, have a G4 tower (400Mhz) with 250GB of storage running headless sitting under my bed wired up to my network. I have a G4 20" iMac (1.25Ghz) at home that I use when I go home. I also take my laptop home, but the iMac is easier because it's just there and ready to go. I still have my old 8500 A/V, 6100, G3 desktop, Apple IIce, and an Apple I sitting in the house. Not to mention the various PC's laying around. My dad has both an iMac and some Dell Dimension laptop while my sister uses a 14" iBook. I love it and so does the rest of the family. We all use PCs daily aswell, but prefer the Macs.

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