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Pop Pop...Now No Boost - Video


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I dropped the boost to 15psi and I dont get the popping. Based on some of the suggestions last night I switched my Itidium plugs to OEM volvo plugs gapped at .030 . Before I did this I set the boost to 17psi and reproduced the popping. Changed the plugs and I am still popping. Today I will change out the MSD coil and put the stock back in to see what happens. If there is no change I will start changing the plug gap. If I dont get any success I will try the NGK's.

Boost problem is solved. Something happened with the MBC, not sure what but i took it appart, wiped everything down, put it back in and started adjusting. Working great.

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Perhaps i need to clean the IPD HD TCV then. Because i have continually lowered my wastegate setting but it still spikes, ive shortend the vac lines to it still spike, relearned the TCV many times still spike, I dont really want to go the route of a MBC because of the instant boost characteristics but if thats the only good way to resolve it i would rather have the MBC regardless of my opinions to them vs. spikes that might end out worse. As for the plugs stock gap int he NGK might produce a stronger spark seeing as they are coppers. This would eliminate the need for possibly shortening the gap as perhaps compaired to the OEM or iridiums. Mine are at .028 right now (because myself and many others were under the assumption that .028 was stock gap :( ) I too will replace my MSD with the stock coil possibly & see how it goes. If not i might have to figure something out. I do have something "fool proof" in the werks and thanks to lookforjoe i am a little more confident in trying it in hopes i will have 100% normal driving characteristics yet eliminate spikes

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I dont know if all of you are keeping up on the MSD discussion but here is my findings to date.

Swapped the Iridiums to OEM's, both sets were gapped to .030. Both sets are experiencing the miss/pop/drum/etc.

Gapped the Volvo OEM's today from .030 to .026. Made sure they were just right.

Ran a couple WOT tests and no miss so far. I will run if for a few days and see if its fixed. Looking good so far. If this is truely the fix I am going to gap the Iridiums and try them too.

So far, Volvo OEM plugs gapped at .026" are working.

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problemo solved? just wondering if OEM to .004 smaller gap helped the issue. Im still battling my issue but again mine only happens on 19psi overboost when i hop on it. So perhaps i need to gap mine lower as well. im still running the NGK BKR7E plugs but as i assumed stock gap was .028 (it was .030 i guess) so maybe i too have to drop it down a smidge. <-- great word, SMIDGE

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To me, this thread sounds a bit redundant in nature. Follow my advice and I guarantee that you will have no problems.

1. Run OEM STOCK ignition components.

2. Use NGK BKR7e or Champion RC7YC gapped to the highest spacing that will not cause blowout. FWIW mine is at .026

3. DITCH YOUR CHEAP MBC and INVEST in a quality electronic boost controller (OEM boost control from EVERY auto manufacturer is electronic for a good reason)

4. Make sure your ECU tune is up to par to the amount of boost that you are running.

Currently, I am running a Hahn Racecraft tD05-16g Turbo that has been upgraded to a 20g compressor (for those who don't know, it makes good power), I am running about 20psi with no ignition issues with what I recommended above.

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To me, this thread sounds a bit redundant in nature. Follow my advice and I guarantee that you will have no problems.

1. Run OEM STOCK ignition components.

2. Use NGK BKR7e or Champion RC7YC gapped to the highest spacing that will not cause blowout. FWIW mine is at .026

3. DITCH YOUR CHEAP MBC and INVEST in a quality electronic boost controller (OEM boost control from EVERY auto manufacturer is electronic for a good reason)

4. Make sure your ECU tune is up to par to the amount of boost that you are running.

Currently, I am running a Hahn Racecraft tD05-16g Turbo that has been upgraded to a 20g compressor (for those who don't know, it makes good power), I am running about 20psi with no ignition issues with what I recommended above.

This issue is resolved. The only change I made was changing the gap from .030 to .026. NO OTHER CHANGES.

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problemo solved? just wondering if OEM to .004 smaller gap helped the issue. Im still battling my issue but again mine only happens on 19psi overboost when i hop on it. So perhaps i need to gap mine lower as well. im still running the NGK BKR7E plugs but as i assumed stock gap was .028 (it was .030 i guess) so maybe i too have to drop it down a smidge. <-- great word, SMIDGE

Smidge'em to .026

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This issue is resolved. The only change I made was changing the gap from .030 to .026. NO OTHER CHANGES.

This is the resolution to almost every single misfire thread on Volvospeed. I don't want to be a jerk but I did mention it in my first post responding and it was suggested by a few others as well... :) Let this be a lesson to the others, if you get a breakup that directly correlates to boost level, it is most often the spark 'blowing out' on the plugs. The easiest way to address this issue is to reduce the plug gap. Some cars can get away with .028" while others need to go down to .024" or lower depending on their setups.

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I was thinking of a way to control boost spike...there must be a manual blowoff valve that could be put in the system that lets say is set to 18psi so no matter what happens if you hit that 18psi this thing opens and wont let you get past that. Seems like a very safe way to control it. Is there such a thing?

Yes there is. Its just a wastegate type device that is designed to be welded into your intercooler piping.

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basically a diverter valve. I was thinking about my lovely MBC combined with TCV. hooked up in parallel. TCV allows stock control while MBC is set 1 lb higher so that the TCV controls the smooth onset of boost, but when the boost goes over the capabilities of the TCV the mbc will let go at 16 psi ish. once back under 16psi the TCV is back in control

p.s. i dont have a lovely MBC because i dont like them but im 99.99999999% sure this will work i just have no $ or want to guine pig my car haha

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I don't want to be a jerk but I did mention it in my first post responding and it was suggested by a few others as well... :) Let this be a lesson to the others, if you get a breakup that directly correlates to boost level, it is most often the spark 'blowing out' on the plugs.

Nobodys a jerk, we are all here to help each other. I appreciate the help in identifying the problem. I was skeptical but did follow the advice and it paid off.

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