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Need Some Advice About Keys And Remotes


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I picked up a 2002 S60 to replace the 2000 S40 that my son decided would look good married the back end of a Dodge minivan. Lucky for us the guy in the minivan apparently did not want to have a conversation with the police so he drove away without even getting out to look at the alterations to his vehicle, but I digress.

The S60 only came with one key and one remote. I need to get a second key and second remote. For some reason I feel like I'm entering the underworld buying keys and remotes online so I wondered if any of you have been successful. This is really two topics - the remote and the key:

1. The remote - e-bay is full of remotes for $12.99. But it has to be programmed by the "dealer or a locksmith." Can a locksmith really do it? Will a dealer program a used remote off e-bay? What kind of $$ am I looking at roughly?

2. The key - Most of the ads for uncut Volvo keys are those typical e-bay ads that say broad and vague things like "1995-1999 C70, V70, 850, S60, S80" Of course there wasn't even an S60 in 95-99, so I never know what to make of those types of ads. Some say "2003-2007......" None actually say 2002 S60. Can somebody tell me what key I actually need? That all look the same. I doubt 2002 was unique.

Assuming I get one, same questions as above regarding the remote - what will the dealer charge to cut it? Can a locksmith really do it?

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I think you are going to find yourself at the mercy of the dealer here.

Keys AND remotes must be programmed to your car by the dealer or someone with VIDA that has the ability to order and download the appropriate software. If you do purchase keys and remotes online they need to come in the original packaging with the serial numbers so that they can be programmed. I'm seriously doubting you will find the correct one for $13...

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I think you are going to find yourself at the mercy of the dealer here.

Keys AND remotes must be programmed to your car by the dealer or someone with VIDA that has the ability to order and download the appropriate software. If you do purchase keys and remotes online they need to come in the original packaging with the serial numbers so that they can be programmed. I'm seriously doubting you will find the correct one for $13...


Keys need to be cut and then programmed to the car.

Remotes need to be programmed. If you do find a remote online, you must have the PIN numbers for the remotes, otherwise they are completely useless...

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I think you are going to find yourself at the mercy of the dealer here.

Keys AND remotes must be programmed to your car by the dealer or someone with VIDA that has the ability to order and download the appropriate software. If you do purchase keys and remotes online they need to come in the original packaging with the serial numbers so that they can be programmed. I'm seriously doubting you will find the correct one for $13...

That's what I suspected, but at the same time find hard to believe. If you look for volvo remotes on e-bay there are lots of them - not just private sellers but businesses who seem to pricipally sell refurbished remotes. How can they still be in business if they sell a useless item? Also, since I posted earlier I was looking in the phone book and many locksmiths adverstise they cut and program chipped keys. I need to look into this more and will post what I learn.

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That's what I suspected, but at the same time find hard to believe. If you look for volvo remotes on e-bay there are lots of them - not just private sellers but businesses who seem to pricipally sell refurbished remotes. How can they still be in business if they sell a useless item? Also, since I posted earlier I was looking in the phone book and many locksmiths adverstise they cut and program chipped keys. I need to look into this more and will post what I learn.

PM me the links of said Ebay auctions.

I can promise you the locksmiths can't program these keys unless they pay the 8k per year subscription fee for VIDA. To actually turn a profit after paying that, many volvo keys would need to be cut and programmed.

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