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816 Suddenly Won'T Play A Cd!


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Last week I was listening to CD. No problems. Not one little hiccup. Yesterday I punch the CD button on the trusty 816 and it shows the last track I was listening to...3 it was. No sound. I wait patiently, then I get ERR. Take out the disc and to make sure it's not dirty or anything...looks good. Slide it back in and this time it just spits it back out. I then try several different discs with the same result. Just spit right back out. This is the original radio from my 96 so I realize it's old. Is this common? Can it be fixed? Or should I just look for a working replacement? I really want to stay stock or at least look stock. Don't want the car broken into for the Gee Whiz radio, nav, flux capacitor.

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Sounds like it's tired and does't want to play CD's anymore. I'd look for a replacement, they can be had for pretty cheap.

I have one that I am selling if your interested, black faced SC-816. PM me if interested.

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I don't hear it spinning, but it the disc does come out different than when it went in...it must be spinning a bit.

If it's spinning that's good, eliminates a completely fried motor. Have you tried a cleaning CD?

The units are repairable, but it's not "fun" according to most folks definitions. Unless you're excited by the prospect of tearing it down to save $ (and then maybe spending $50 on parts) you can locate a used unit for not too much. If it went from perfect to busted in one step, there's likely a specific issue that caused it to stop working. There are tons of possible causes, ranging from motor dying/bad laser to having something stuck in the way of the platter. The CD players in the 816 seem to have issues as they age. You might open it up to find a sticker inside, a leaf, broken motor, misaligned laser, bad isolation mounts... the list is endless.

Sounds like used is the way for you, but don't get angry if the new player dies too. They're all 13 years old now. :)

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I agree completely. It's funny, I had this unit out almost a year ago and heard something moving around in it...turns out it was 56 cents worth of change. Got the money out and the unit still played fine. Played fine before hand, I was just working on a lighting issue. Thanks for the advice. I think Dave is going to help me out with a used unit.

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