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Car Won'T Start

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Hey guys,

So recently I have been having some issues with starting my car. It doesn't happen all the time but is obviously pretty annoying when it does. Basically the engine will turn over the first time you crank it and then shut off right away. It usually works on the second try but when it doesn't the engine won't even turn over for a while. I thought it may be because of the hot weather we have been having here in Toronto but it happened at night too yesterday, so I am all out of ideas. My coolant levels are fine, I have oil, even though it seems to be burning. I used seafoam a few weeks ago before I did my oil change and it seemed to help but now its happening more often. I tried using the other key and the same problem is happening so I have ruled that out of the equation. My remote broke a while ago and I was told that the immobilizer reads from that so I was wondering if I just need a new remote, or am I probably looking at a bigger issue? Maybe like a fuel pump, ignition, etc. Any help is much appreciated!

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