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Sc-813 Suddenly Silent


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While I was driving and listening to the radio in my '98 V-70, the radio volume suddenly faded down to nothing. The lights and display remained on. I tried all radio bands and the cassette player. The display changes to the appropriate source, but no sound is generated. I pulled the unit to check that all connections were secure, and found no problems.

Can anyone suggest what might have gone wrong? My ignorant guess is that the amp failed and that my cheapest solution will be to look for a replacement radio.

Many thanks.


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did it really fade? or just go out?

Check the connections at the amp

btw if it's the amp -- I would try find one used here... it should be cheap and quick to fix. replacing the radio with something that can power the speakers also means a little rewiring to bypass the old amp.

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It definitely faded down. I was listening to a college station with a ... um ... unconventional DJ. One of those emergency broadcast system announcements came on, warning about severe storms in the area. It was a lot louder than the music had been, so I turned it down a bit, and as the synthesized voice went through the list of counties and conditions, the volume decreased further. I remember thinking, "Ah, he couldn't take it, either."

The volume kept decreasing until it was silent. I drove the rest of the way home thinking the EBS bulletin must be over, but he forgot to crank the output back up. Ha ha ha, people must be calling to tell Hairman Doo that he's broadcasting dead air.

Nope, joke's on me.

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you said you checked connections -- but did you disconnect it?

I know theres something the radios do to turn the volume down as speed increase?? AST maybe?... maybe it is the radio and not the amp.

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