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Lack Of Armor

brick babe

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The war that was suppose to take weeks according to (we'll be welcomed as liberators)Cheney is now coming up on 3 years. The total lack of armor production is another example of just how POORLY planned this war was. Even sadder is that the media is covering Rumsfelds total disregard for the troops safety.



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The war that was suppose to take weeks according to (we'll be welcomed as liberators)Cheney is now coming up on 3 years.  The total lack of armor production is another example of just how POORLY planned this war was.  Even sadder is that the media is covering Rumsfelds total disregard for the troops safety.



They do not need armor for their patrol vehicles. They need tanks, or bradleys. Get the freaken political weenies to allow it and we would not have to dick with armoring HUMVEEs.

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The war that was suppose to take weeks according to (we'll be welcomed as liberators)Cheney is now coming up on 3 years.  The total lack of armor production is another example of just how POORLY planned this war was.  Even sadder is that the media is covering Rumsfelds total disregard for the troops safety.



W_T_F ? I love it when people who don't contribute at all to the rest of the site just toss up this kinda crap...

oh wait, I don't...

Edited by '98S70R
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Well you have several statements, and all of them are wrong, but your sources are to blame not you.

I'll start with trying to make a jeep into a tank. When the war started they needed the oversized jeep, but as tactics changed by the enemy the need changed. 18 months ago about 250 of the oversized jeeps had armor, now over 15,000 have the armor, just how fast do you think things should take?

You hit the nail on the head when you said who was saying there was a total disregard for the troops. Go figure. Someone needs to tell the liberal press the election is over, or is this all being done for the 2008 run. :P

I agree with Charles, if you don't like what the liberal media is reporting or chose to believe it but want it changed, then get ahold of your Congressman/Person and have them rebuild the Army that was torn down by the last batch of Dems in office. Rumsfeld is doing his job with what was left there to work with, he can't increase troop numbers, etc thats done by Congress.

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Well you have several statements, and all of them are wrong, but your sources are to blame not you.

I'll start with trying to make a jeep into a tank.  When the war started they needed the oversized jeep, but as tactics changed by the enemy the need changed.  18 months ago about 250 of the oversized jeeps had armor, now over 15,000 have the armor, just how fast do you think things should take?

You hit the nail on the head when you said who was saying there was a total disregard for the troops.  Go figure.  Someone needs to tell the liberal press the election is over, or is this all being done for the 2008 run. :P

I agree with Charles, if you don't like what the liberal media is reporting or chose to believe it but want it changed, then get ahold of your Congressman/Person and have them rebuild the Army that was torn down by the last batch of Dems in office.  Rumsfeld is doing his job with what was left there to work with, he can't increase troop numbers, etc thats done by Congress.

I hate to say it, but the media is hardly liberal.

Now, on the topic of the armored Humvees -- I think Charles is right, they're using the wrong vehicles for the mission. And that isn't something you can blame the Dems for :P since they still have alot of tanks and Bradleys. At least, I see a whole bunch across the street from my office :blink: so...

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they're using the wrong vehicles for the mission. And that isn't something you can blame the Dems for

I'm not, I blame them for the huge down size of everything. There might be a reason those vechicles are parked across from your office instead of in the war. :blink: so..

If the major media are not liberal how would you describe their style of reporting?

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I'm not, I blame them for the huge down size of everything. There might be a reason those vechicles are parked across from your office instead of in the war. :blink: so..

If the major media are not liberal how would you describe their style of reporting?

Most media is liberal. Same with colleges. There are exceptions, but they are just that

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Most media is liberal. Same with colleges. There are exceptions, but they are just that

The closest thing to a liberal media might be PBS. Clear Channel, Sinclair, ABC, FOX, NBC, CNN are all conservative.

None of the sources in the original post are incorrect.

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The closest thing to a liberal media might be PBS. Clear Channel, Sinclair, ABC, FOX, NBC, CNN are all conservative.

None of the sources in the original post are incorrect.

Wow sequestrum. You apparently have no balls or brains. Your too ball-less to post under your username, and too stupid to know ABC and CNN are not right wing.

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Nothing like hoovering up all that the Liberal media spits out. Did you know that this whole thing was planted at a press conference by a reporter? Did you also know the division that the reporter, that unethically planted the question with a soldier, was from actually was already about 97% armored? Did you know that the reporter bragged about planting this question against the rules of the press conference?


"I was told yesterday that only soldiers could ask questions so I brought two of them along with me as my escorts," he wrote. "Before hand we worked on questions to ask Rumsfeld about the appalling lack of armor their vehicles going into combat have."

He also said he went to the officer running the question and answer session "and made sure he knew to get my guys out of the crowd."


Army Maj. Gen. Stephen Speakes and Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sorenson, senior members of the Army's combat systems development and acquisition team at the Pentagon, said protective armor plates were added to the last 20 vehicles of the Tennessee-based 278th Regimental Combat Team's 830 vehicles shortly after the exchange with Rumsfeld.

Also of interest:


Oh, and CNN conservative? :D:D:D

I guess you can join Bill Moyers out there in fantasy land.

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Let's do a "what if" so I can make a point. I think it's a good one.

I think it's so good, I'd like to hear from anyone who disagrees.

What if a show like Dateline did a "hatchet job" on George W. Bush?

It wouldn't have to really be a hatchet job, but any honest appraisal of that idiot's

qualifications would prove he's a non-thinking rich man's boy - and that's all.

But what would happen if Dateline did an unflattering portrait of Bush?

I'll tell you what would happen:

The vulgar Pigboy would spend at least three hours saying it wasn't true

and he'd offer hours of rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Bill O'Reilly would spend at least an hour on his show saying

it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Sean Hannity would walk all over Alan Colmes for an hour that night,

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Eva Von Zahn would spend at least an hour that night saying it wasn't true

and she'd offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

The Beltway Boys would spend at least an hour that night saying it

wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Brit Hume and Tony Snow would spend at least an hour on Sunday

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Juan Williams and Mara Liason would spend their entire allotted time

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

John McLaughlin would spend at least an hour on his syndicated show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Chris the Screamer would spend at least an hour on his show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

G. Gordon Liddy would spend at least three hours on his radio show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Laura the Whore would spend at least an hour on her radio show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Michael Medved would spend at least an hour on his radio show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Sam and Cokie would spend at least an hour on This Whore

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

George (Judas Maximus) Steffi and George (dumb as a chimp) Will

would spend their entire allotted time swearing that it wasn't true.

Bob Scheiffer would spend at least an hour on Face the Whore

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Tim the Catholic would spend at least an hour on Meet the Whore

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

John Hockenberry would spend at least an hour on his show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Ollie North would spend at least an hour on his radio show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Robert Novak would spend at least an hour on his cable TV show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Paul Weyrich would spend at least an hour on his cable TV show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Still with me? We're close to the end...

BSNBC's Brian Williams would spend at least an hour on his show

saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Wolf the Whore would spend at least an hour on his show saying

it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying.

Bill Schneider and Candy Crowley would do an hour special on CCN

(Clinton Cock Network) saying it wasn't true, and offering rebuttal.

John Stossel would have a special on ABC: Is lying OK for liberals?

Then Howie Kurtz would spend 30 minutes on Reliable Sources asking

if the media wasn't being too hard on a developmently-disabled child.

Barbara Olson would write a book condemning Dateline.

Ann Coulter would write a book condemning Dateline.

Laura Ingraham would write a book condemning Dateline.

Peggy Noonan would write a book condemning Dateline.

Andrew Sullivan would write a book condemning Dateline.

William Safire would write a book condemning Dateline.

OK, we're going to call the above "Exhibit A."

Now, everyone on that list has done at least a dozen hit pieces on Clinton.

My question is, Where is "Exhibit B?"

When those 38 people attack Clinton and his cock, who does the rebuttal?

Even you ditto-sheep have to admit that nobody on that list

has EVER defended a fabricated lie against the president.

There is no "Exhibit B," because there are so few liberal voices on television.

The closest you can get is Eleanor on McLaughlin or Geraldo, but there is barely

a liberal whisper on television, even though there are DOZENS of right-wing,

Smirk-apologist shows whose livelyhood is lying about liberals.

It was obviously the "liberal" media that spent 24/7 whining about Clinton getting a blow job. Not a peep though about Bush ignoring the Phoenix memo in the mainstream media... hmm.

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