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Lack Of Armor

brick babe

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Oooh, a driveby poster. Post count less than 5 in the political discussion area. Try posting something with some actual content instead of a repost of something off of the DU. You posted nothing, but total conjecture of what you think things are like. If you actully looked at how things are instead of how you want them to be then you would be closer to getting it. The media did several "hatchet" pieces on Bush during the campaign. Most of which backfired and just cost them viewers. People spouting things like you posted, Michael Moore, Terry Mcauliffe, George Sorros, ect. cost Democrats voters everytime they open their mouth. They might attract one or two uninformed people, but for every one they attract they drive 2-3 more away. So keep up your strategy. Its fine by me. Then we can keep people with more adult views running the country. Personally I'd love to kick all the politicians out of Washington, but I'll listen to politicians who talk common sense any day over the crap that the left has been dishing out for the last 20+ years.

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Well you have several statements, and all of them are wrong, but your sources are to blame not you.

I'll start with trying to make a jeep into a tank.  When the war started they needed the oversized jeep, but as tactics changed by the enemy the need changed.  18 months ago about 250 of the oversized jeeps had armor, now over 15,000 have the armor, just how fast do you think things should take?

You hit the nail on the head when you said who was saying there was a total disregard for the troops.  Go figure.  Someone needs to tell the liberal press the election is over, or is this all being done for the 2008 run. :P

I agree with Charles, if you don't like what the liberal media is reporting or chose to believe it but want it changed, then get ahold of your Congressman/Person and have them rebuild the Army that was torn down by the last batch of Dems in office.  Rumsfeld is doing his job with what was left there to work with, he can't increase troop numbers, etc thats done by Congress.

I love it when people jump in accuse the "liberal" media of lying for political gain. Who f#$k do you think owns the "liberal media"? The great left wing zelot Rupart Murdoch? Oh it must be General Electric the maker of all those wepeons of liberal kindness. Or maybe the Disney empire they are just the liberals that the Dems and Greens talk about. Come on I work for the "liberal media" and it's anything but.

The facts are these: This administration went to war on a flawed post war plan with too few troops and on less than reliable intellegence. Rummy said it best "You don't always get to go to war with the Army you want, you sometimes have to go with one you've got". Well they picked the time and place and could have had the army they needed.

I would love to have a reservist read your post right before he or she has to go out on patrol in an vehicle that they had to cobble together.

Also just as the White House was claiming that no service man or woman was being sent over without body armor the show I work on was raising money to get an intern who was called up hers. She sent an email asking for our help because here barracks were hit by mortors the night before and one of her mates was killed. She was told that it would be 8-10 months before she would get it from the government so we ponied up and bought it for her.

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Any reservist who is upset is just pissed he actually has to earn his check this year.

You are right they are so well paid and they were just here kickn' it livin' a life of luxury. Now they get sent into a bad situation and all they want is the proper equipment. What a bunch of whiney wimps. Good thing they have brave Americans at home like you to support them.

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You are right they are so well paid and they were just here kickn' it livin' a life of luxury. Now they get sent into a bad situation and all they want is the proper equipment. What a bunch of whiney wimps. Good thing they have brave Americans at home like you to support them.

Support them? You mean by developing uninvasive sensor technology for them to use? Or maybe better charlie boxes and skull mics for tanks. Or maybe you mean sight systems that can be used with a gas mask on. Oh your right. None of that is important. WTF are you doing to support them? The equipment is fine. The problem is getting politicians to allow them to use it. Again they don't need armored HUMVEES. They need tanks which they have.

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Support them? You mean by developing uninvasive sensor technology for them to use? Or maybe better charlie boxes and skull mics for tanks. Or maybe you mean sight systems that can be used with a gas mask on. Oh your right. None of that is important. what are you doing to support them? The equipment is fine. The problem is getting politicians to allow them to use it. Again they don't need armored HUMVEES. They need tanks which they have.

Don't need armor in Humvees?

Just as untrue as the first time you said it.

IED's have changed the needs of the Army. Bradleys are helpful, but they still need armor for other types of vehicles.

You talk about tanks. How do tanks solve the problem of armorless Humvees and Deuces? :blink:

The equipment is fine?

What do you know about the equipment?

When I was on active duty, many of our vehicles (specifically deuces and APC's) were built in the 40's and 50's.

"Any reservist who is upset is just pissed he actually has to earn his check this year."

Now that's pretty bad. Tell us how you really feel.

Somebody can be upset and still do his job. Earn their check? Reservists ONLY get paid for days worked, whether or not they're mobilized. I'm still in the reserves; If I am mobilized again (already was '03-'04) I will support the mission regardless of how I feel about the executive leadership's intents and handling of the conflict. A good soldier will put his feelings aside and "drive on" with the mission.

I would NEVER place blame on Bush or Rummy for the current debacle with armor. I attribute it more to the kissass commanders who would rather send their guys on a suicide mission then ask for the proper equipment. Too many "yes men" have kept senior leadership in the dark for far too long. I'm very happy that all of this is coming to light. Hopefully it will save Americans' lives in the long run.

Edited by JeffW
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