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Bad Alternator?


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Ok guys here is my situation.

Car wouldn't start yesterday so I jumped it. After I jumped it I let it sit for a minute and then I took the cables off. As soon as I took the cables off, the car shut down on me. Then I went out to buy a battery, put it in, everything worked great. This morning I went out to start the car and it had enough power to unlock the doors but as soon as I tried starting it it just died on me again. BRAND NEW BATTERY! Are these signs of a bad alternator? Or possibly something else?


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get it running again run the lights and fan on high, probe alternator post to get your output voltage and probe pos. battery terminal to see whats actually getting where it should be......alternator, possibly.......check cables first and do that by doing the above

feel your pos battery cable after its been running a bit.......give off alot of heat?

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Its the alternator

If you jump a car and as soon as you unhook the cables it dies then the alt is toast. Once the car is running the battery is not needed, you could unhook the cables and it'll still run until you shut it off, the alt supplies all the juice at that point.

The new battery should still be ok, if you have a charger hook it up and recharge it, if not put it in the car and go for a long drive. You may be able to take it back to the store and explain that the alt was bad and they may just replace it for you since it should not have a problem taking a charge.

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