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What The Hell Is Wrong With Some Of You?

Matty Moo

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I peddle my rebuilt modules here on VS, eBay, MVS and CL.

I do core charges on VS only due to past problems. I haven't had a singe problem on eBay or anywhere else, just on VS. I sell 4x more on ebay than I do here, and you would think all of the flakes would be there, but it's not the case. Shit, they even pay $20 more than I charge here and no core charge. They always send the module back within 2 weeks. The VS average is way over a month. MVS people usually have it back in under 10 days.

Even with the core charges, some assholes still won't send them back. Or they send back garbage. I make it fairly clear what is acceptable, but it doesn't matter. Core charges are a pain in the ass for everybody, I hate doing them but the honor system appears to not work on VS. For that matter, the core charge system obviously doesn't work either.

I currently have a total of 3 VS members ignoring my PM's to send the shit back. All are way over a month, as usual. This will push my total number of modules lost to VS members to 8 for the year.

This makes no sense to me at all.

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Lately it's been really hard to justify buying anything from VS at all.

If I were you, I would either jacked up the cost on here, or stopped selling to VS members all together, unless you know them personally. wink.gif

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If I were you, I would either jacked up the cost on here, or stopped selling to VS members all together, unless you know them personally. wink.gif

That's probably what is going to happen. Or do rebuilds only, no exchange.

let them have it on member reviews?

True, but it shouldn't even have to come to that. Like I said, no problems anywhere else.

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Or have them send the units back to you first before you send them the new ones. Yes, it causes downtime, but it's been proved countless times before that some people on this board lack the responsibility and maturity to follow through with business deals.

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What is VS lately and all the douche stuff going on with selling.

At least when I had to destroy my ABS module due to a stripped bolt I let Matt know first before I sent it back.

That didn't bother me at all. 1. You did minimal damage, and I understand problems come up. 2. You actually let me know what was going on. There was actual communication.

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Please post who these members are so I don't have to deal with them on other business.

What is VS lately and all the douche stuff going on with selling.


sorry to hear of the continued difficulty.

i know you are my only source for those when i need one.

fight the fight i guess.

name names though.

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let them have it on member reviews?

Except, despite selling, trading, and buying, no one has left me a member review. I've only had one bad transaction in years, and it was the seller who screwed with me.

It works in principle, but not in reality.

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it is very convenient for those who honor this great deal that we get on VS, but it only takes one asshole(make that 8 :angry: ) to screw it up. i've been meaning to get mine rebuilt but just havent gotten around to it, and when i do, i'd love to have this option available.

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