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What The Hell Is Wrong With Some Of You?

Matty Moo

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It's changed a lot in the past few years. Not too long ago, I would send out spare ECU's to people on the boards (Ben, Paul and a few others benefited from that), no questions asked, send it back when you're done. There is no way in hell I would do it now.

I was burned on 2 deals in the past 6 months, one for close to $350 (I managed to recoup some of the money). I tried to sell wheels on here that everyone seemed to be asking for, I had bought 5 sets, I'm staring at 3 after 'serious' buyers backed out at the last minute. Common courtesy and ethics are pretty much gone from VS now.

It's a shame, this site is probably the best Volvo related site out there, hands down.

Totally agree Matt.

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i understand how the member review section is supposed to work, but how about a nice list of A+ buyers and sellers. And basically only people who have proven that they can conduct themselves. This list would be very exclusive, and maybe run by an individual member as opposed to the board sponsored member review section. Anyone down for such a list? I would be willing to do it. I have a couple ideas of how it would work.

-a user would submit to me or who ever is admin of the list, a detailed request to be added to the list.

-The user would have to have 3 purchases with good reviews (the reviews are only allowed from long time members with X number of posts). admins would be preferred.

-The user could never have a bad record (this could be adjusted for a specific problem they had with another member but ultimately, the sale has to be determined to be in favour of the user)

-If a user screws over anyone, this includes outside of VS, you are removed from the list and your name is mentioned as a banned user and the details

-Late payment, general stupidity... are considered screwing someone, this also includes backing out of a group buy when you have specifically said 100% you are in

-Of course, each case is reviewed, but considering how many family members seem to die over and over again, only special circumstances can be exempt

-Each succesful transaction will be added to the persons record

-Unfortunately the only way i can see this working is that no screwups occur, so just because you have 1 negative record means your out for X amount of time

to sum it all up, some users are ok with just using member review, thats fine, but i think a few members on this board wouldnt mind if they had a choice between member review and an A+ list. They might just play it safe with certain items and only deal with the top level people...


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thats fine, but even good vendors have screwed around when they got desperate.

i got screwed over on a shift knob from a guy i thought was legit, he took my money and went to Russia.

he'll show back up someday and i'll be here waiting.... waiting......waiting.

i think we all should PM greg before we make a purchase to make sure the person is legit.

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thats fine, but even good vendors have screwed around when they got desperate.

i got screwed over on a shift knob from a guy i thought was legit, he took my money and went to Russia.

he'll show back up someday and i'll be here waiting.... waiting......waiting.

i think we all should PM greg before we make a purchase to make sure the person is legit.

im up for him deciding who is legit and all, even though he still hasnt delivered my vs socks and underwear. But im not sure if he would appreciate everyone sending messages all the time?

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i like that idea. the good guys who prove themselves get whitelisted and the not so great ones get blacklisted. i am all for a seller/buyer reviews list.. whatever you wanna call it.

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I'm more in favor of a "bad buyers/sellers" list. When I was first getting started on this board, I had no clue if a seller was legit, and a "bad" list would be much easier to use than searching the member reviews, only to find the seller doesn't have a feedback thread started.

Also, it would stop people from starting a new thread every few weeks to the tune of "should I buy stuff from Terry at VMS?" laugh.gif

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It's changed a lot in the past few years. Not too long ago, I would send out spare ECU's to people on the boards (Ben, Paul and a few others benefited from that), no questions asked, send it back when you're done. There is no way in hell I would do it now.

I was burned on 2 deals in the past 6 months, one for close to $350 (I managed to recoup some of the money). I tried to sell wheels on here that everyone seemed to be asking for, I had bought 5 sets, I'm staring at 3 after 'serious' buyers backed out at the last minute. Common courtesy and ethics are pretty much gone from VS now.

It's a shame, this site is probably the best Volvo related site out there, hands down.

You have any sets left ?

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I'm more in favor of a "bad buyers/sellers" list. When I was first getting started on this board, I had no clue if a seller was legit, and a "bad" list would be much easier to use than searching the member reviews, only to find the seller doesn't have a feedback thread started.

Also, it would stop people from starting a new thread every few weeks to the tune of "should I buy stuff from Terry at VMS?" laugh.gif

i understand that even the best have a hard time, but the point of this is to minimize the risk. There will always be a few good guys that screw over people, such as the russia comment.

ok, so what i can do... a single thread. what ill put at the top is the preferred buyers/sellers (im going to actually separate both of them) and at the bottom the bad guys. Ill start with the mods as preferred buyers/sellers out of respect and b/c im assuming they wouldn't be mods without being upstanding members of the board. Next im going to start searching for a couple people who have shown themselves to make good deals/decisions (this will include some vendors that i have used and others that rate highly). After that ill be open to pm's so people can start to give me the requests. The thread will be open so people can suggest inclusion or exclusion from the above info.

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