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Ate Break Pads


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I didn't want to risk getting the poor quality pads that are made in India.

So I searched for the OEM pads made by ATE.

They finally arrived.

When they are a few weeks old I'll write this up again and state the performace.

Whether it's comparable to stock or not.





These pads seems to be from 2008'

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I am curious how these compare to the stock pads that are made in India. Possible to do a comparison?

I can tell you I took the Rolund pads off after about 500 miles as they squealed like a banshee.

If you guys can get the ATE pads that would be awsome!!!

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As long as I don't get my grimy fingers on the pads and/or rotor, keep everything clean, break in the brakes and use antisquil paste on the rear of the pads I won't hear a peep. That's with any pads I've messed with. So idono about pas quality since I have personally never had noisy brakes when I've done the above. Don't get me wrong, I bought a few Volvo pads before the switch and like them but I'm fine with tossing the cheapest on and going for it! Although I'm talking DD not performance.

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Well they are on the car with no problems. Bed-in went smooth considering I didn't change the rotors.

Seems very comparable to stock. Time will tell in wet weather breaking.

The ATE pads have a 2mm larger pad area at the top. So if you plan on sticking pads on a rotor that has seen the stock pads for some time it's wise to cut down your rotor.

In my case I shaved (sanded) a little shelf off the pad so it will mate with the rotor after they are bed in, I have the power slots and no one will cut em. This way the pad sits flush and won't wear on an angle.

I like the fact that the ATE pads have a semicircle cut out to evacuate gas between the rotor and pad. (that is if you have some sort of slotted rotor)

Top pic of ATE and stock.


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