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Cross Country Road Trip


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I'm leaving Delaware in about a half hour, stopping at a liquor store to get some local brews then heading on my journey!

Day 1: Delaware to Penn State University (10/11)

Day 2: Penn State University to Nashville, TN (10/12)

Day 3: Nashville, TN to New Orleans, LA (10/13)

Day 4: New Orleans for a day (10/14)

Day 5: New Orleans, LA to Fort Worth, TX (10/15) TEXAS MEET!!!

Day 6: Fort Worth, TX to Flagstaff, AZ (10/16)

Wish me luck!


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So Jon just texted me and said he bent a rod. LOL!

Juan and I were about to call for an emergency engine swap for this weekend but unfortunately I don't have the time/funds to go for a swap right now.... looks like I won't be selling the spare motor anymore!

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Got your PM, where in Houston are you?

right now I'm at Juan's (Mogatu'r)

I have to say, he's probably the nicest and most generous VS members and people I've ever met!! I can't say enough good things about him and his family. He blamed himself for my rod bending too but we got that settled by having a few drinks a the club so we made a good joke out of it :lol: But seriously, Juan is an outstanding guy! I can't thank him enough for letting me stay with him and him helping me out so much. He's an example of why I joined the forum and I wish more members were like him :lol: Reid has also been a great help, I wouldn't have found a place to stay if it wasn't for him. He wasn't exaggerating when he said VS Texas was a family before a car club

Now we're going to replace the spark plugs and see if that changes the frequency of the motor, then even if that doesn't temporarily solve the issue I'll still finish my drive to Flagstaff. My sister's moving out to AZ with me in a few weeks so I'll just have her bring my spare motor

Houston is an awesome town, and effing HUGE! Lots of really nice VS members I met as well

My trip has been absolutely great so far! Between Penn State, Nashville TN and New Orleans, and now Houston... I am rethinking moving to Flagstaff since I've been to these great places. I could see myself possibly moving to the Houston area in the future, at least visiting a lot!

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Good Luck man.

I'm "planning" a 5-6 week round trip cross country road trip for 4 years from now. First step is finding a VW Poptop van to fix up over the years....

I couldn't be happier I chose to do this roadtrip, I wish I had the time to avoid most interstates and go the smaller roads though... I took a country road through West Virginia and had a blast driving

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I couldn't be happier I chose to do this roadtrip, I wish I had the time to avoid most interstates and go the smaller roads though... I took a country road through West Virginia and had a blast driving

Nice to meet you Jon! Sorry I couldn't hang out later, I'm sure the VS TX crew will show you a good time tonight. Safe travels!

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Made it to Flagstaff without throwing the rod through the block, had some scary tire issues but its a good thing I had a spare set!!

Thanks for everything guys, VS is another family to me!

Now what should my new username be? :lol:

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suppp John, man.. I haven't posted in a while, but had to. Just to say, what a stand up guy John is. Everyone had fun while he was here, from a small cruise on Thursday, fajitas meet on Friday lol, to changing his oil at Vyken's house, we had fun!

Like I said before, more than welcome to stay at our place anytime, my 3yo was like where's John? ahahha.. All the Houston Texas members were more than glad that you were in town, and spent time with us crazies lolol.

Man, too bad Reid couldn't make it out :(. But, I'm going to take the gang up there to him, buwhahahahh!

The only shitty part was him bending a rod, :(.. It happened to quick to even notice.

Lol, the exaust cap went on.. and I'm already missing it lolol

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