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Storage Space Thread


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My 99 S70 has, in many ways, been the best car I've ever had- Among its superior traits are excellent economy- I have averaged 34+ MPG, and an abundance of storage space- a shelf under the glove box, compartment in the rear deck, under the front seats, and huge pockets in the front doors. I am curious as to why Volvo has seen fit to all but eliminate nearly all of them- virtually nothing under the front seats, diminished space in the center console, rear deck conpartment gone, and less visibility there to boot, and it appears the cup holders in front were an afterthought. Don't get me wrong, I love the car, and especially its performance, but I find myself wishing for more storage. Any comments?

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It's a fair question to ask. Volvo has steadily made the cars smaller in size over the last decade. Compare the S60 to the S70. Or better yet, compare the 2010 V70 to the 98-00 V70. And part of this shrinking in size has been accomplished by eliminating cargo space throughout the cabin.

I'd say in part it's because they're now building the "bigger" XC models (which in many ways are still smaller than the original V70) and in part because car design across the board is moving to more compact vehicles due to the greater focus on gas mileage by the typical consumer.

We passed a 2010 V70 on the highway earlier this week while I was driving the S70 and my wife who used to be the primary driver of our V70 when we had it just couldn't believe that it was worthy of the V70 moniker. She was certain it had to be the V50. :lol:

Edit: I just went and did a comparison between the cargo dimensions between the 98 V70 and the 2010 - surprisingly the 2010 supposedly has 7 cubic feet more with the seats down while the 98 has 4 cubic feet more with the seats up. The looks are so deceptive but I know I feel more cramped in the cabin of the 2010 when I climbed into one at the dealership than I ever have in the 98. On the exterior the 2010 is taller and wider in every dimension which I would have never guessed by the looks.

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You should have seen the armoire that I brought home in our 740 - MUCH bigger than the 22 cubic foot Amana that we carried

I think that our 745 had more storage in the driver's door pocket than my 855R has in total!

The 745 even had a tool kit compartment in the rear as well as storage around the spare and outside the frame in the rear. The 745 had room for jumper cables, bulbs, spare wipers and belts, plugs, distributor cap and rotor, plug wires, a couple of oil filters, a tire pump, a chock block, fuses, and a few other parts. (I always carried a few old, usable parts in that car because mu daughter took it to places like Foam Lake, Saskatchewan and Edmonton, Alberta (from Massachusetts)

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