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Oil Switching


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Is it ok to switch from synthetic oil to conventional oil? The car (1998 S70 T5 129k) has been using synthetic for approximatley 20K (4 changes) and I'm just wondering if there are any issues to expect to come across from switching back to conventional oil? (Not my car just asking for someone)

I know when switching from conventional to synthetic you can run into oil leaks sometimes...

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no problems.

And to dispel that myth...syn does not create leaks.

It has a detergent component that cleans out the sludge, exposing already leaky or compromised seals.

I regularly throw a quart of dino oil into my crank, topping off my synthetic.

Proper warm up and especially cool down periods help prevent coking in the turbo oil ports.

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all oil are mixable either conventional or synthetic. a synthetic oil is just a better formulated, better made oil when compared to petroleum based oil. and no, it doesn't create leak! oil is oil, leak is leak... don't blame leaky seals on synthetic oil. if anything, using constant synthetic oil will cause less problems.


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Might I ask why this person wants to go from synthetic back to conventional? The price comes out to roughly the same since synthetic oil has nearly twice the change interval and it makes things run so much smoother as well as cleaning the engine and softening seals and such.

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I was wondering the same thing myself. Being price really is not a factor because you have to change the oil twice as often. Unless he is trying to stop a low oil leak.

Bingo. It's just an attempt to stop a small oil leak that we think was created when going to synthetic.

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Bingo. It's just an attempt to stop a small oil leak that we think was created when going to synthetic.

Leak is the problem, not the oil. Fix the leak, not the oil. The synthetic just cleaned out a bunch of gunk from conventional oil that was plugging the hole up. Switching back won't seal it back up and the synthetic isn't the problem. Fix the actual problem, which is the leak.

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