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Vs Secret Santa


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if we have recieved our gift should we make a thread about it or should John make it.

just asking so we don't have 50 "OMG I GOT MY SECRET SANTA GIFT" threads

Kev, would you like the honors of starting the "OMG I GOT MY SECRET SANTA GIFT" thread?

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don't have mine yet or else I would :lol:

Gabe you always make me laugh

I do what I can to spread the Holiday cheer.

bought and should be shipped in the next day or so. :)

Still waiting for mine to arrive. Hopefully in the next couple days.

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for the last 2 days I've been waiting for the mailman. so depressing its like waiting for santa to come its not QUITE morning yet and I have to wait

I know, I have quite a few shit coming for me now, it's a cluster fuck of excitement in me. Especially because I ordered myself a little something from where I got my SS stuff, so it's even worse. :lol:

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I know, I have quite a few shit coming for me now, it's a cluster fuck of excitement in me. Especially because I ordered myself a little something from where I got my SS stuff, so it's even worse. :lol:

i thought about doing that when I got my stuff from FCP. I got some good stuff for the person I got! :tup:

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if we have recieved our gift should we make a thread about it or should John make it.

just asking so we don't have 50 "OMG I GOT MY SECRET SANTA GIFT" threads

Once the first person receives their gift we can make a thread similar to last year and name it the "Official 2010 Secret Santa Gifts Thread" or something of that sort... we did it last year and that seemed to work the best.

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