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2000 S80 T6 For $1000?


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Buddy of mine wants to sell his 2000 s80 t6 with 101k for $1000. It has a blown head gasket though. I've done head gaskets on older RWD cars, but never a transversely mounted engine. You think I should go for it? Any interesting comments or info on the s80 would be appreciated.

Thanks VS!

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First off Search... second off, if you want a new (used) engine I have one. If you need parts, I probably have them and if you need a rebuilt trans. I have one.

I'd offer them $500 for it tops, since if it turns out to be bogus you wont even make that much parting one out.

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I used to have an S80... they're not worth it. It's that simple, if you were to search for issues regarding volvo S80's for the year 2000 you would have read that they are notoriously problematic. Theres a good chance that even if the headgasket is bad, there might be A LOT more that needs to be fixed with it. I personally (after having owned an S80) would pass on it.

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Repairing the blown head gasket would be quite possible, but it's very labor intensive and you will need cam locking tools to re-install. Installing a new engine sounds like a good idea, but any engine that has been sitting at the junkyard will have leaky valve stem seals and the thing will use oil to no end. On top of all this that model year had terrible build quality issues, extensive transmission failure, electrical issues and a bastard electronic throttle. You can literally spend 10K on one of these cars to get back to factory spec. If you buy, make sure you get it for next to nothing. If it has a blown head gasket there is a very good chance the radiator and/or heater core is also leaking and caused the overheating.

Don't buy this car if you are trying to flip it.

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