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Gas Pedal Hard To Press


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So this has been bothering me for about a year now (since I bought the car), whenever its raining, snowing, hailing, or just rly humid, the gas pedal gets hard to press. When driving a manual car, its so annoying cuz on take off you expect to know how soft/hard the pedal is...except its always different lol

I tried oiling the cable and the springs and stuff around the TB, it did nothing.

Any ideas?

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I cleaned the TB when I bought the car, didnt change anything.

Oh I should probably add that when the car is off, the pedal is super easy to push, its just when the car is running that it gets hard.

I know its supposed to get a little harder because of vacuum and all, but in the humidity, its even harder :(

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Throttle cable might be wearing when it's humid. (unlikely, but not impossible)

Like a bike break cable gets stiff after a few years in riding in wet places. (when no maintenance is done)

Problem is it's hard to lubricate the inside of the cable.

What about your peddle in the cabin, have you lubed that up too?

I don't know why humidity would make is worse. strange :unsure: .

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