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1999 S70 Axle Issue


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Hi Guys,

The car in question is a 1999 S70, Base, Manual, w/ 260,000KM, no modifications except running 17" pegs during the summer.

Over the last couple of months my car has been doing some weird stuff! A few weeks ago i was in an underground car park, and had to crank on the wheel to get into a tight space - low and behold the car (specifically driver side axle area) started groaning. When i got home, i jumped under the car and looked for torn CV boots, worn out covers or anything that would explain the noises. I did not find anything. I took it to one of my mechanics, and he suspected that the axle was going. So we got a used Axle, swapped it and the same issue persisted. So we tried a different one - and still it persists. I am about to bring it back again, as i do not want the tire to just fall of on me on the upcoming holiday road trips.

So here are the symptoms....hoping you guys might have come across this or at least can point me in the right direction!

#1: When at full lock turning RIGHT there is a fairly prominent groaning/clicking noise coming from Driver side

#2: When at full lock turning LEFT - no noises at all.

#3: No leaking/cracked boots

#4: Listened for any extraneous noises coming from Power Steering system which could mean the rack is going - nothing out of the ordinary, and i am not leaking any PS Fluid.

As far as i know - it SHOULD be the axle, however it has been swapped twice - and from what i have heard Volvo Axles rarely break. Cranking to full lock is NOT an activity i do often - only when necessary so its not like i am burning through axles here.

Thoughts? tips? Is my wheel about to fall off? haha

I am going to LT Motors in Ottawa - and I have been told Davor is the best in the city for Volvo's so I am confident the mechanic is not messing around on me!

HELP! I do not want to be stuck in my gf's Versa for all the Holiday driving upcoming!!!

Thanks guys!


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Those are the symptoms for an axle. I have the same clicking and even took it to my indy to diagnose and they said it wasn't the axle. Still don't know what it is but I'm also not driving it currently - will be digging into it over the Winter to diagnose. Does the clicking increase or groan grow in volume as the wheel speed increases? The groan makes me think of a wheel bearing but those usually happen at 30-40 MPH and higher speeds which was my experience with the daily driver.

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Hey Burn-E,

thanks for the quick reply. the groan is not constant - it is intermittent - like the click. I will check about the click increasing in speed - as i have only ever done it at a slow crawl in a parking lot - will have an answer to that this evening around 7.

I do not think bearing - because at speed it is fine, corner lane changing swerving etc...only at full lock in the one direction..never any other time lol


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Had some free time last night, so i found an empty parking lot and did some more circles...here are my findings:

1) When AT full lock there are no weird noises....it is on the way TO full lock the groaning starts. from about 95% to 100% of the turn...so once in full lock - if you straighten the wheel out and go back to full - it will groan/creek right as it gets to lock then nothing.

2) tried increasing speed - same thing

3) Only happens when turning right...nothing when going left

I am begining to think that the last few gears of the steering rack could be rusted out...causing the need to replace it


Perhaps there is something up with the stopper that hits the table to "lock" the wheel?



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