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Stylinmotors Fire


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I dont have that issue , granted I am filing a paypal claim and getting it someplace else.

And this is exactly what I'm talking about. You shouldn't have to File a Claim to get a refund. They should have contacted each person and said...hey...u can wait or get your money back, instead they are just avoiding people. so they take your $$$$ and force you to wait.

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And this is exactly what I'm talking about. You shouldn't have to File a Claim to get a refund. They should have contacted each person and said...hey...u can wait or get your money back, instead they are just avoiding people. so they take your $$$$ and force you to wait.

This whole thing smell fishy from the beginning, as others stated they could have left message on here from home computer, just another vendor who lost their morals and decided to screw people, they probably went out of business and decided to take money with them. This sucks

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This whole thing smell fishy from the beginning, as others stated they could have left message on here from home computer, just another vendor who lost their morals and decided to screw people, they probably went out of business and decided to take money with them. This sucks

LOL and we have the official retard of the season here. Kudo's to you....


Going to add some more here, its pretty obvious those who criticize have never been in a situation of recovering from serious loss. Most small businesses don't have plans for such events and when they happen are left to scramble, disorganized for quite some time. Why doesn't someone go burn their house down and see how long it takes them to reestablish a fully operational life style.

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LOL and we have the official retard of the season here. Kudo's to you....


Going to add some more here, its pretty obvious those who criticize have never been in a situation of recovering from serious loss. Most small businesses don't have plans for such events and when they happen are left to scramble, disorganized for quite some time. Why doesn't someone go burn their house down and see how long it takes them to reestablish a fully operational life style.

Say what you want but they have handled this very poorly and yes I am one who ordered something months ago and never recieved. Why is their no mention of fire on website, why havent they left updates on here which takes less than a minute to do, does the owner not own a computer in his house. It just does not add up and their has been so much crap like this going on in this last year with members and many have been burned, so me having a questiong attitude is on par with what has been happening on here.

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And this is exactly what I'm talking about. You shouldn't have to File a Claim to get a refund. They should have contacted each person and said...hey...u can wait or get your money back, instead they are just avoiding people. so they take your $$$$ and force you to wait.

This, I requested a refund as offered by them going on a week and a half and still have yet to see it. Even have dropped 2 emails inquiring to when I may see it with no response. I feel as though they are avoiding until they get shit sorted and will just send the hose anyways. May very well be my last purchase with them if that's the case!

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LOL and we have the official retard of the season here. Kudo's to you....


Going to add some more here, its pretty obvious those who criticize have never been in a situation of recovering from serious loss. Most small businesses don't have plans for such events and when they happen are left to scramble, disorganized for quite some time. Why doesn't someone go burn their house down and see how long it takes them to reestablish a fully operational life style.

2 weeks tops

if that long .

But using a house is a horrible example ;)

Also there still doing a shitty job , there website should state something.

It doesnt .

You can still order off there site and you will be waiting and wont have the faintest clue .

The only reason I have ever ordered off them was for the vacum lines and if I can find another source I am going there.

Espcialy with the three sets of 99-00 top rad hoses that dont fit ....

There handling of this is pretty piss poor

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LOL and we have the official retard of the season here. Kudo's to you....

Going to add some more here, its pretty obvious those who criticize have never been in a situation of recovering from serious loss. Most small businesses don't have plans for such events and when they happen are left to scramble, disorganized for quite some time. Why doesn't someone go burn their house down and see how long it takes them to reestablish a fully operational life style.

Most Small Businesses do have back up plans or would at least POST something on the site saying they had a fire. And if they dont have backup plans...like I said in my first post....that shows how Poorly run this company is that the managers can't get it together. And losing a House is different then losing your company. You in your house HAVE to deal with your loss first. BUT when your a COMPANY you have a RESPONSIBILITY to your Clients. Were not asking for them to pull Magic and be like YEA everything is back up and running....we understand its gonna take time...but how about contacting the people who's money you took. They get to spend the HOLIDAYS with there families at home. Probably Spent the money we gave them for parts on Gifts for people....decide to close up shop till after new years, and you'll see in January they will be on the Forms and be like "oh were back, GREAT, Sorry, here's your stuff."

Look at it like this..........................

If you Ordered Pizza for your local pizza shop....2 hours later you call and get no answer.... 4 hours later u call again and get no answer. later that night on the news you see the pizza shop got burnt down. and they say.... "all pending pizza orders will be completed and delivered as soon as the shop is rebuilt...." are you really gonna wait???? no your gonna want your Money back. Its not your fault it burn down, and you don't want your pizza 3 weeks later or whenever they decide. WHATS the difference???????????????????????????????

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Most Small Businesses do have back up plans or would at least POST something on the site saying they had a fire. And if they dont have backup plans...like I said in my first post....that shows how Poorly run this company is that the managers can't get it together. And losing a House is different then losing your company. You in your house HAVE to deal with your loss first. BUT when your a COMPANY you have a RESPONSIBILITY to your Clients. Were not asking for them to pull Magic and be like YEA everything is back up and running....we understand its gonna take time...but how about contacting the people who's money you took. They get to spend the HOLIDAYS with there families at home. Probably Spent the money we gave them for parts on Gifts for people....decide to close up shop till after new years, and you'll see in January they will be on the Forms and be like "oh were back, GREAT, Sorry, here's your stuff."

Look at it like this..........................

If you Ordered Pizza for your local pizza shop....2 hours later you call and get no answer.... 4 hours later u call again and get no answer. later that night on the news you see the pizza shop got burnt down. and they say.... "all pending pizza orders will be completed and delivered as soon as the shop is rebuilt...." are you really gonna wait???? no your gonna want your Money back. Its not your fault it burn down, and you don't want your pizza 3 weeks later or whenever they decide. WHATS the difference???????????????????????????????

It's a lot easier to sit back and type on your computer, criticizing others about what they could or should have done. The truth is, you have never been in a position like this before. Is Stylin' Motors acting the MOST appropriate in this situation? Probably not, but that's only based on what we know. What do we know? The company had a fire. That's it. You don't know anything else, so the majority of what you are saying is based on assumptions. You don't know the status of their systems, you don't know if they backed up their data, you don't know if any of their employees were injured, you don't know anything. There are a million possibilities and you are considering the most negative ones and bashing the company. Stylin' Motors has been one of the best vendors Volvospeed has ever had IMO, and for you to criticize them like you are is pretty silly. Granted, I would probably be a lot more frustrated and angry if I had a pending order with them, but even so, I would contact my bank and/or paypal and get a refund. I wouldn't sit on VS whining about what a bad job the company is doing. ESPECIALLY if I didn't even have a pending order with them.

Just my $.02. Don't be so quick to judge.

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It's a lot easier to sit back and type on your computer, criticizing others about what they could or should have done. The truth is, you have never been in a position like this before. Is Stylin' Motors acting the MOST appropriate in this situation? Probably not, but that's only based on what we know. What do we know? The company had a fire. That's it. You don't know anything else, so the majority of what you are saying is based on assumptions. You don't know the status of their systems, you don't know if they backed up their data, you don't know if any of their employees were injured, you don't know anything. There are a million possibilities and you are considering the most negative ones and bashing the company. Stylin' Motors has been one of the best vendors Volvospeed has ever had IMO, and for you to criticize them like you are is pretty silly. Granted, I would probably be a lot more frustrated and angry if I had a pending order with them, but even so, I would contact my bank and/or paypal and get a refund. I wouldn't sit on VS whining about what a bad job the company is doing. ESPECIALLY if I didn't even have a pending order with them.

Just my $.02. Don't be so quick to judge.

Well I know someone had a computer long enough to start this thread and say "OMG were trying." then drop off the face of the planet....A smarter move would have been to edit the WEB site to show there is a delay due to a fire. So everyone (not just VS) knows whats going on. If I placed an order right now....would I get it???????????? I know that there server is not located in the same bldg as the fire because its still up and running and they claim to have no power...so at some point someone could have edited that. They have not.

your right I have never had a fire, but I've had my share of mishaps with my at home company, and I find that the BEST approach is to communicate with your client. be it missing a deadline, u broke there part, or you just haven't gotten around to it... GIVE people UPDATES. ANYTHING. Anyone who know what I do for a living knows that in my job I make life or death choices all day everyday. So it frustrates me to see a company taking so long to even respond to its customers after the fact.

I dont have an order pending. And the only reason I got involved was cause everyone was bashing the people who were Pissed at Stylin with pending orders. I understand everyone feels sorry for them, hell if VS did a collection to help them i'd donate, but How much time do we give them? we have people with orders going on 2 months waiting...and they are getting no contact at all. If this we z31jaime or Oreo931 sold me a headlight and I paid him and he never sent it EVERYONE on VS would be LIKE DUDE WTF, but cause its Stylin everyone wants to baby them. At some point people have to say.....OK, damn....your fire was a month ago........why arnt you answering emails?

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Oreo when you dont have a dog in the fight it is different, they came on here after the fire and posted so they had internet access. They have had no further contact. Paypal has a time limit and fighting with banks and card companies are a real pain and has a long processing time and not guaranteed anything. Also paypal is not their own internal program so refunding could still be done. At least they should have locked their site from orders till problem was solved which still has not been done, these are just basic things to do. Also the way the economy is I have seen good businesses turn bad, when people get desperate they give up morals for the quick buck and this past year their has been alot of this on this site hence why the for sale forum was changed when it has never been changed since the site started, so you know why people are on edge.

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