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Stalling 98 S70 T5


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I've been trying to debug my sister's stalling problem for the past day and I'm looking for input on causes:

After the car had been sitting all night, I started it this morning no problem and let it idle for about 10 minutes. Then I just reved the RPMs to about 2K for about a minute or so, it was fine...then I did it again for about 20 seconds then after releasing the gas, it idled for like 5 seconds and stalled.

Start the car again, it stalls within 10 seconds. Start the car again stalls within 10 seconds. Start the car again stalls again. Start the car again it's now idling and has been for a few minutes, even tried revving the RPMs to see if it would stall but hasn't yet. I suspect it will stall again though.

I've tried the MAF and unplugging that doesn't do anything still have the same problem.

I'm starting to lean toward fuel pump relay (haven't tried the trick yet to test it). The fuel pump turns on and I can hear it...

Any other ideas?

The car has about 130K on it...


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No cel

Did you pull codes? Just because there is no CEL doesn't mean the system isn't kicking out codes that would help decipher what's really going on. If you don't have a code reader your local Autozone or equivalent can pull them for you - usually will do it for free.

I'm going to throw out clogged fuel filter but that's just a thought given what's happening. What's the maintenance situation on the car? Age of plugs, cables, distributor cap? You may be on the right track with the fuel pump relay. But codes should be your first check.

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Sounds like a fuel pressure issue or bad fuel relay/fuel pump.

Try jumping the connector for the relay and see if it fixes the issue. If it does, then the relay is bad. If not, then you need to get your hands on a fuel pressure tester and see if the car is keeping the correct fuel pressure. If the pressure is dropping, then it is probably a bad fuel pressure regulator. If all that checks out, then the pump is the issue.

Either way, definitely sounds like a fuel issue.

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You're welcome. Let us know how you make out.

Just ran the car in the drive way for about an hour with the by-pass...I reved it probably 20 minutes out of the full hour and had no problems at all.

I'm on my way to the dealer now to get a fuel pump relay to see how it works out - $52 for the part.

Thanks again

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Just saw this, hopefully you haven't left for the dealer yet. I've got like 5 of those relays in my basement. Pay for shipping and you can have one for free. $52 is absurd.

Too late. :( Thanks for the offer though besides since it's not my car the owner kind of wants to have the car asap, so hopefully this works out.

It was $46 actually...but still it is absurd.

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