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Oh Gee Gosh Willickers


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ROFL, hahahaha.  Well all that posting was fun at 3am.  Yeah, I know how fragile that all is.  Likely won't work out, but reading all that when it comes out of no where hypes you up.  :)  It's fun to think about one way or another.  I'm talking to my shop and body shop about some promotion deals too.  Hopefully SOMETHING works out.  Lmao I read the $89 fee and was like hahahah poke this is gonna get stupid.

Posting that late always get s fun.. :P No harm no foul.. We al wish we could get sponsered.. that would be so great..

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I hope someone mentioned this but if not:

Be careful, there are a TON (I mean TON) of sponsership scams out there in the "tuning" world. I've seen more than my fair share.

Anything that works as: "We give you 10k to play with... ofcourse that means we only pay for the price above what we determine is wholesale, you pay the rest" scams... thats what most are.

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Even if it is a legitimate sponsorship you have to be careful. They will usually require that you attend a multitude of car shows, stereo shows, mall openings, open houses or whatever they desire.

Let's not forget that -in addition to the rigorous show schedule- the events are usually not-exactly local. You will be responsible for things like food, shelter, gas, detailing the car, carrying the sponsor's tent/swag/brochures/dog/whatever and have to actually stay at the shows and be nice to people. It's not as easy as them just handing you cash and saying you just have to put their decals on your car.

Sorry man, don't mean to rain on your parade, just want you to get an idea of what's really required.

On a similar note: Adam Saruwatari - one of the more famous Import drag racers- was at the NOPI Nationals this year. They had their BEAUTIFUL tractor-trailer there, several of their racecars and a big table full of swag. The truck had obviously been driven to Atlanta from their homebase in Cali.

Was there a group of folks handing out the swag? Nope. It was Adam himself. He seemed a little taken aback because I recognized him (I'm in my mid-30s and have greying hair), but he was VERY cool.


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Yeah, I realize all the hassles and responsibilities that follow. Just didn't bother to write them out in my hype at 4am or whatever. :) Thanks guys.

What color is your S70?


A horrible lightish skyish blue that I've never seen on another car. Looks good at night though.

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It's definitely going to be a lot of work for you, but good luck! That's great to hear you got that hookup. You'll definitely have to earn it though. Oh and please don't get those rims you posted earlier, if you have em, melt them down into a drive-on tilt ramp for displaying your car!

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It's definitely going to be a lot of work for you, but good luck! That's great to hear you got that hookup. You'll definitely have to earn it though. Oh and please don't get those rims you posted earlier, if you have em, melt them down into a drive-on tilt ramp for displaying your car!

rofl. It seems that everyone on this forum prefers racing wheels. These rims look fantastic in my opinion along with many others, to each his own I guess.

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