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HUGE California Traffic Tickets FinesEffective 01/06/2011

Please be extremely careful in your driving and car registration& insurance matters. State of California is broke and they are tryinghard to squeeze all of us hard to collect money.

Effective immediately, if you do not stop at the red light, be ready to pay$436 in fines or if you pass a school bus with flashing red signals, you willbe charged $616. The state of California is going for blood, so be extracareful in driving, You cannot afford messing with them. I have beenhearing that Highway Patrols are under pressure to issue a lot more ticketsthan last year with at least 30% increase in fines over 2009, so beware ofradar guns, highway and traffic cameras installed everywhere and the tougherenforcement of parking rules.

Just for your info, the next time you park in the handicappedzone, even for a minute, you will be looking at almost $ 1000 in parkingtickets , so it'd better be worth it.

California needs money, so pay closeattention to the rules of the road!

TrafficTicket Fines (Effective 01/06/2011)

VC 12814.6 $214 Failure toobey license provisions.

VC 14600(A) $214 Failure to notify DMV ofaddress change within 10 days

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

VC 16028(A) $796 Failure to provideevidence of financial responsibility (insurance)

Note: This fine may be reduced with proof of insurance on or afterthe violation date.

VC 21453(A) $436 Failure to stop at a redsignal.

VC22349 $214 Unsafe speed, 1 to 15miles over the limit.

VC22350 $328 Unsafe speed, 16 to 25miles over the limit.

VC22450 $214 Failure to stop at a stopsign.

VC 22454(A) $616 Passing a school bus withflashing red signals.

VC 23123(A) $148 Driving while using awireless phone not hands free, first offense .

I know someone who got this and it ending up being $274

VC 23123 $256 Driving while using a wirelessphone not hands free, each subsequent offense.

VC 23123.5 $148 Driving while using a wirelessdevice to send, read or write text.

VC23124 $148 Minor driving while using a wirelessphone.

VC22500 $976 Parking in a bus loading area.

VC 22507(A) $976 Violation of disabled parkingprovisions, first offense.

VC 22507 $1876 Violation of disabled parkingprovisions, second offense.

VC26708 $178 Unlawful material on vehiclewindows.

VC27150 $178 Adequate muffler required.

VC27315 $148 Mandatory use of seat belts.

VC 27360 $436 Mandatory use of passenger childrestraints.

Note: This fine may be reduced by completing a court authorizedchild seat diversion program .

VC27400 $178 Headsets or Earplugs coveringboth ears.

VC 27803 $178 Violation of motorcycle safetyhelmet requirements.

VC34506 $616 Commercial Driver - Log bookviolation.

VC4000 $256 No evidence of currentregistration.

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

VC4159 $178 Notify DMV of change of addresswithin 10 days.

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

VC5200 $178 Proper display of licenseplates.

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

VC9400 $178 Commercial weight feesdue.

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"VC22349 $214 Unsafe speed, 1 to 15miles over the limit."

There is absolutely no way they can enforce 1 mile over the speed limit, but I suppose they throw that in to have a range.

"VC27400 $178 Headsets or Earplugs coveringboth ears. "

Oh man, I see people doing this a million times a day here in SF. Either talking on the phone or listening to music. Either way, they are morons.

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"VC27400 $178 Headsets or Earplugs coveringboth ears. "

Oh man, I see people doing this a million times a day here in SF. Either talking on the phone or listening to music. Either way, they are morons.

That's totally bogus. What about hearing impaired/deaf people? :lol:

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How else are they going to pay for the prisons and social welfare systems?

On the flip side, it would appear by your posting this and recommending people pay close attention to the law, that you feel this may be a successful system.

True. Also, about social welfare systems (although a broad term), it's hopefully going to be required for welfare recipients to submit drug tests.

Basically, these laws should be followed and are pretty straight forward. Stop fully at stop signs, don't run red lights, and don't pass school buses that are stopped. Not that difficult.

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That's totally bogus. What about hearing impaired/deaf people? :lol:

You are required to keep your eyes off the road, as to not occupy the organ you use to supplement the lack of hearing. Please watch for perceptual cues indicating that there might be sound you are missing out on.

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