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Xxx- After Party Magnuson Pics


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Yes, much better pics :tup:

Jeremy - I need to make a man-date with you so I can see the elusive Shaguar :D We keep missing each other at events or what not....

Yeah, I had my son all amped up to prove he was the real monkey boy and he was climbing trees and stuff at XXX. You destroyed his dreams and aspirations.

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Yeah, I had my son all amped up to prove he was the real monkey boy and he was climbing trees and stuff at XXX. You destroyed his dreams and aspirations.

Sorry I destroyed your sons dreams and aspirations of proving he's the real monkey boy. I have a knack of bursting peoples hopes and dreams, just ask my wife :lol: But nice diss on me Jeremy ;)

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Sorry about the delay guys, tried to pick out the best ones, if anyone wants the raw photos of their car just pm me and I'll serve them up!

Nice pics. My favs are the close up of the red 855 with the tree behind,(#'s 4&5), and the complete line-up pic, (#22).biggrin.gif

And (# 13), one of Taylors car @ the water.

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Kalvin, you need to seriously consider submitting some of these photos for the IPD photo contest...

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Kalvin, did you rip off (or lose) the chin spoiler that was on it at XXX earlier in the day?

laugh.gif Nope. I decided I didn't want to listen to it scrape all the way home so I took it off before leaving XXX.

Kalvin, you need to seriously consider submitting some of these photos for the IPD photo contest...

Possibly. Should look loads better once the wheels/tires/spacers are on.

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Kalvin, you need to seriously consider submitting some of these photos for the IPD photo contest...

I agree. that first black and white is especially nice. this is michelle btw - forgot to logout chris.


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