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Thoughts On The Revolutions In The Middle East/africa?


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I'm happy to see the internet used as a tool to assist "the people". But I'm also disappointed to see it abused by governments, as a way to censor and/or control the people. But I guess the internet is designed as a tool for anyone, no matter their goals.

Political uprisings happened before the internet, and they'll continue with or without it. Internet just makes things easier. Well, maybe it makes people lazier :lol: I've always advocated that political activism is shifting towards the "like" button instead of actually doing something.

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Gas = $3.50 a gallon thats what happened... we are fucked cuz the environazis in this country disallowed new nuke plants and drilling on our own soil for the last 30 yrs. A clear national security violation.

I guess I'll put windmill and solar panels parts in my gas tank.

Fucking hippies...its gonna drive up the cost of everything...food ...clothes...no to mention energy.

Get ready... the shit has hit the fan.

Go ahead call me reactionary, extreme, whateverthefuck you want... I'm stashing food and water. Keep your heads in the sand, they'll get you first. And more for me and my loved ones.

Saudi Arabia falls and its all over.

Chinese are drilling in Canada.

Democracy? Hardly. The vacuum gets filled by Islamo-facsists every time. Why would this be any different than Iran in 1979?

Israel will freak out and whack somebody, we cover their ass like we should and bingo, the Rapture is upon us.

Settle with your God, Mother fuckers, cuz you aint got a snowballs chance in hell.

And dont come my way, I'll shoot your unprepared ass.

I stayed away from this forum... I told all you dumb bastards what was gonna happen and you got in my shit.

Obama and his Czars have screwed you and you will vote him in again in 2 yrs, if we have a civil society left.

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