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Kaplhenke Adj Control Arms

Kit Vexed

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oook. next?

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You guys seriously mad my day thanks. But seriously kit. why don't you give it another shot with a second set of hands and another set of eyes. It could be as simple as missing something small that's f--king it all up. I know when I loose my temper working on something I can make a mistake tightening a screw.

yah man, you're right, i did totally lose it when id tried.. it was super hot outside, and i was excited to run these.. when they didnt fit immediately, i was PISSED. id adjusted a few times but was so pissed it wasnt like id tried EVERYthing - i admit it. i tried different methods, yes (subframe 1st, spindle 1st) - there are only 2 ways.. but as far as adjustment, i wasn't doing like a turn of the rod end @ a time and trying.. and which one to turn? 1 or both? i coulda been there fiddling all day!

If I were anywhere near you, I'd come up there and try to install them on your car while you sit back and enjoy a beer. Seriously.

Just go outside, try them again, and take pics of them not fitting.

The problem will then get resolved within a few days. Guaranteed.

i know you would.. you're a good dude. appreciated pras

Here are just a couple of guys who either offered you help, or guidance in this situation, and if you really wanted it Pras would be of tremendous help! So get off your little Sh*t show of poor little me, nobodies gonna offer to help me. We are all here to help, it's just when you act like a D-bag your gonna pay the consequences

haven't heard back from Vagabond SINCE that post.. i PMed him, he said he'd let me know.. hasn't let me know? lol, "pay the consequences" huh?? gentlemen.. god has spooooken! (gavel smashes, hard thunder in the background).. lol shat up.. dont let me start getting on you next "D-bag"

No see this is a sad thing. :( Kit spent good money buying a set of shiny new custom made toys for his Volvo. It might have been a misguided purchase but nonetheless those toys are sitting on his workbench rather than bringing joy to his life. At least allow him his bitterness over the whole experience.

YEAH! when i make a bad/impulsive purchase.. fu[king-A right you guys are gonna pay.. sh!t

He brought that on himself. Had he handled things in an appropriate manner, he'd have $900.00 in his pocket. I'm willing to help recover $211.00 of that though. ;)

BULLSH!T.. like Ben wouldve said, "ok, np problem dude" you said you know Ben? then you KNOW that wouldn't EVER have happend.. even if i were fu[king Mr. Rogers, he still wouldve argued the return/refund

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...This thread has really just gotten lame at this point... dry.gif che you should lock it, clearly OP needs a chill pill and most of VS needs a chill pill. I miss the days of peace and harmony on VS, just seems like every month a thread comes around and it turns into this^^^

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i actually agree.. i could go FOREVER against, well, the entire board.. but i think i've proven my "tree"(and my d!ck) is pretty much unshakeable.. the only reason i'd say to keep it open is to comment on how the auction goes and who ends up with them, AND when they get them, post pics/reviews of what THEY ended up doing with them.. as far as the sh!t talking, im finding myself spending too much time serving "fu[kyourself sandwiches" and less time doing constructive research.. so i'll give you guys a break.. BUT. BUT. start it up again and i'll continue with the sandwiches and open a few more restaurants around "town" here on VS.. Kapeesh?

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...This thread has really just gotten lame at this point... dry.gif che you should lock it, clearly OP needs a chill pill and most of VS needs a chill pill. I miss the days of peace and harmony on VS, just seems like every month a thread comes around and it turns into this^^^


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...This thread has really just gotten lame at this point... dry.gif che you should lock it, clearly OP needs a chill pill and most of VS needs a chill pill. I miss the days of peace and harmony on VS, just seems like every month a thread comes around and it turns into this^^^

Take a vacation pansy. I need my monthly fill of VS entertainment/drama.

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haven't heard back from Vagabond SINCE that post.. i PMed him, he said he'd let me know.. hasn't let me know? lol, "pay the consequences" huh?? gentlemen.. god has spooooken! (gavel smashes, hard thunder in the background).. lol shat up.. dont let me start getting on you next "D-bag"

You don't think he might not have wanted to lend a hand after you went all psycho 15 year old girl over everybody?? Hmmmm.

As for the "getting on me next" situation. Considering you don't know me, you know nothing about me, and I know I'm already more intelligent than you (evidence from this thread), I could care less!!! Bring it on!!!

God has spoken


And I'm sorry if nobody agrees with me, but the welds on those don't look clean at all, I'm sure they are good welds, but for $900? I agree with Aaron

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You don't think he might not have wanted to lend a hand after you went all psycho 15 year old girl over everybody?? Hmmmm.

That pm was only a few days before the holiday weekend. Was doing 4th of July stuff for 4th of July weekend. Not installing shitty ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD looking control arms. No offense.

Since you decided to sell them, I didn't bother PM you about your schedule.

BTW, this is what I would consider a proper control arm.


this, not so much


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You don't think he might not have wanted to lend a hand after you went all psycho 15 year old girl over everybody?? Hmmmm.

As for the "getting on me next" situation. Considering you don't know me, you know nothing about me, and I know I'm already more intelligent than you (evidence from this thread), I could care less!!! Bring it on!!!

God has spoken


And I'm sorry if nobody agrees with me, but the welds on those don't look clean at all, I'm sure they are good welds, but for $900? I agree with Aaron

ok, here we go :lol: soo you know about 15 yr old girls? what's your REAL name? let me type it into the sex offender registry right quick.. and since Aaron backed off like a little b!tch after ppl didnt agree with him about the arms, now you're manning up? ok ok. and smarter than me? why, from a thread? ohh yahhh - i forgot that VS was the ultimate testing source of intelligence.. or any forum.. everyone here is totally on their best behavior, saying things they'd say in their day to day lives..

ohhh, and i have one more thing for ya.. I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD. fuuu[k yourself douche

Kit has spoken

(told ya to shat up.. i always bring it)

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