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Volvospeed Forums

The New Rules


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Alright everyone. Time to all grow up a little and stop all the bashing. Now usually I avoid this forum like the plague, however the flaming and such is starting to spread to other forums. if someone is obviously stuff, then call it. Don't close the thread with the last word (Doug... ;) ) Just learn to get along. I have been getting alot of complaints lately, and it's kinda annoying.

So in response I am going to start cracking down big time on closing threads for no real reason other than stuff (why this forum was created in the first place) and the flaming spreading to other forums will not be tolerated anymore from anyone (moderators included) so learn to get along everyone.


Freeway racing threads will absolutely always be closed.

Threads promoting illegal organized street racing events will ALWAYS be closed.

I and the OHmods can close any other thread they will AT WILL. It is nothing personal. Some threads create flame wars/borderline on dangerous street racing.. its our choice.

These rules are still in effect, but mods need to be a little more careful in closing threads and the reasons for closing the thread

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Alright, a couple revisions. After talking with Doug I have decided to take his view of things and although I like to see a little less thread closing, I will stand by his judgement to close something.

Also, if you are going to flame, at least don't carry crap into other forums, and don't complain about your thread being closed. I get way too many of those, and that's why I came up with this.

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