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Back To Delaware!

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a bunch of you know I moved out to Flagstaff, Arizona about 7 months ago from Delaware. After 7 months of apartment searching and quality job searching, this town just doesn't offer what I need. SO as I sit here in Phoenix waiting for my plane I'll post a few pics I took while biking the past few days and some boarding shots too. I had a chance to head down to Sedona this past weekend and enjoy some awesome riding. There's still snow on the trails up in Flag so that makes for some tough but fun riding when going through 6" of mud uphill :P Unfortunately I was distracted so I didn't get any good shots of the technical areas I was riding. Enjoy

Arizona Snowbowl 11,500ft elevation


starting the mud


absoultely beautiful scenery


20 miles of mud later...



Me just before we started the Sedona ride


my riding buddy and some nice views


Oh yeah, BACK TO THE NEC!!!!!!

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  • 5 months later...

Gonna start this thread back up cause I got some questions for you guys

I realize I haven't been on the forum much the past year or so, as soon as I came back from Arizona I started working like crazy. Its been 75 hour work weeks for me for the past 2 months so I haven't had any time to do anything else let alone worry about the S70. Time has come to either ship the car back here or sell it in Arizona. Theres a few complications associated with both options though.

Shipping... its going to cost me ~$1200 (is the car even worth that much) to ship the car from Flagstaff, AZ 86001 to Wilminton, DE 19803. All the quotes I've seen people talking about on here have been closer to $500 which I dont understand.

Selling... it has a bent rod, grounding issue, 200k on the body, slightly damaged front fender but it has the exhaust, coilovers, sound system and roof racks still on it. I love the car and would like to have it here in delaware but with the cost of shipping, selling it might be best. Finding a buyer for my car would be difficult in Flagstaff let alone traveling back out there just to sell it and take it out of storage.

Any suggestions?

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Part it .

Even with the mods you will have to find the exact person to buy it .

un modded its worth $500 tops due to milage and bent rod.

Part it or at least sell it with stock stuff on it . And take off the mods on it.

/ and then buy one of my two cars for sale .... ;)

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