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Manual Swap - Pilot Bearing Question And A Few Others

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I am close to doing my manual swap so the questions are starting to come...

The Pilot bearing, the crank I pulled the trans from had one in it but the splines in the trans do not have the normal pin you would see to fit in the pilot bearing. Why? Normal?

Anybody know the bearing number for the Differential? Quaife on the way and I am hoping to get the bearings before it arrives.

Where can I get the 6 torx head bolts for the pressure plate?

I understand bleading the master is not easy...any tricks?

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Forget about the pilot bearing. I bought one new for ~$10 for my swap, it's still sitting in a bag in my toolbox somewhere. Volvo calls is a pilot bearing, but it doesn't actually function as a pilot bearing. Anyway, there's no need for it. Your trans is fine.

Bleeding the clutch, I used a motive bleeder and bled twice, and also did a bit of manual bleeding with a buddy. Even if the clutch doesn't feel right after bleeding a few times, take the car around the block and it should start to feel right after a little use.

Get the correct bolts for the pressure plate from the dealer.

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