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Be Careful Where You Park Your Car


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Happened to me... in boston... of all places. I was heated. I had to go to Childrens Hospital Boston for some pre-op bullshit and I was staying at some Danielle House because it was last minute. There are 2 hospitals where I stayed and they are across the street. Well each hospital things they own their side of the roads parking when in actuality its public regardless. I had my handicap sticker out and in the spot. I was litereally inside for 5 minutes to check into my room when I came back out to get my shit the car was gone. The security guard for the hospital saw I walked across the street to park so while inside he called his tow truck buddy because they slip a little money in each others pockets. Long story short I had to call security to find out where it even was. The car was in route to the tow truck place in some ghetto even though it was only 5 minutes prior they refused to turn around. now my mom and I had to take a cab 50 minutes across town just to get my car back. The tow people called us stating it was going to be 125 dollars no checks cash only. the cab ride was aslo like 50 bucks. I had my e-brake on, it was in gear, and they managed to slide it out of being parallel parked without the cool sideways jack truck. Now were standing in the ghetto and the tow truck wasnt even back with my car yet. so we stood there hoping not to get shot for another 30 minutes when finally someone comes and we walk in this methlab of an office. I told them if they fucked up my car in any way they were going to be sweeping ashes in the morning and I asked them to see my car before signing the release, they obviously said now, and we werent allowed out back to drive the car out THEY had to. either way that was the first time ever in boston and within 5 minutes of being there my shit was towed. I called the hospital and had the security guard fired for being a cunt and used my handicap tag & all that jazz to make the story even worse than it really was. I got a writen apology from the hospital saying that measures have been taken so that said security guard would not have the ability to call tow trucks for he was terminated (thats what happens when you threaten to sue) As for the towing company, the police were called for them being assholes and hopefully they arrested them for drugs or soemthing because the place was literally a bodega

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