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You Really Thought He Would Stick It Out?

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What a tool. He thought since he was so close to Bill Clinton that he could lay low, wait this out, and survive. :rolleyes:

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Keep electing idiots...thanks.

Here is the thing about that. The reason this stuff happens with elected officials is because its in their nature. They also seem to either assume they can get away with it without getting caught or don't even think about the concequences of their actions.

It seems to be happening a lot lately, but that is more due to the fact that more are actually getting caught. It isn't anything new.

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Exactly the problem, reminds me of this gem from Religulous (skip to the last 90 seconds).


I have the same issue that Bill has. It is scary how many people believe the earth is only 5000 years old and that we all came from Adam and Eve.

The senator is right though, you don't have to pass an IQ test to be elected. I would think a lot would struggle to make it to 100.

So, full form birth certificate and IQ test. :)

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Exactly the problem, reminds me of this gem from Religulous (skip to the last 90 seconds).

Would be funny if it wasn't so scary. People elect the politicians they deserve though..so if you live in a democratic country with an above average amount of idiots you're shit out of luck.

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Not a democracy its a representative republic. big difference. You should study American History more. All of us should. 40% of high schools seniors in US couldn't pass the citizen exam for new US citizens. We are stupid.

This little tool gets a $1 million pension and free life time health care. And a parking space.

I want to thank James Carville, Paul Begala, and the rest of the Clintonistas for opening the door for Van Jones, William Aires, Cas Sustein, and other progressives to be directly involved in policy making, and regulation out side of the Congress. Social Justice, income redistribution, yaddayadda. If your exceptional your an enemy of THEIR state.

If you say something about Bush I know your a fool.

I swore off this Forum, but I'm boiling.

President Booshdaag is going to a fundraiser in Manhattan tonight...$35,000 a plate. Trying to pull money out of the Wall street crowd he punishes and excoriates. What a fucking hypocrite.

Defend it, go ahead. Your talking to a wall.

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I amend that. Hes getting cash from those he steered our tax money too.

So, you have any answers?

Salma Hayek on Letterman - Breasts


Edited by swc75
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Not a democracy its a representative republic. big difference. You should study American History more. All of us should. 40% of high schools seniors in US couldn't pass the citizen exam for new US citizens. We are stupid.

How many members of congress can? :)

This little tool gets a $1 million pension and free life time health care. And a parking space.

We talked about this in chat. Cancel all healthcare for members of congress. Get your damn healthcare like the rest of us.

If you say something about Bush I know your a fool.

I will, but not about your post. :)

President Booshdaag is going to a fundraiser in Manhattan tonight...$35,000 a plate. Trying to pull money out of the Wall street crowd he punishes and excoriates. What a fucking hypocrite.

Defend it, go ahead. Your talking to a wall.

Every politician running for office does this, at least on the national level. Money wins elections. Not defending it, just saying they ALL do it.

I amend that. Hes getting cash from those he steered our tax money too.

Wrong. Bush bailed out Wall Street. Obama wasn't in office yet.

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President Booshdaag is going to a fundraiser in Manhattan tonight...$35,000 a plate.

How's that any different from the fundraisers all the other politicans do right, left and center?

Defend it, go ahead. Your talking to a wall.

No doubt about that!

I'm not actually arguing for anything or anyone..but rather I'm saying all major politicians are the same and you're wasting your time thinking one side is better than the other. If anything all this nonsense of dems vs reps is brilliant for them, takes the attention away from all the stuff that's really fucked up. Again, people get the politicians they deserve.

Edited by JCviggen
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