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Top Wireless Headphones


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I need for find a decent set of wireless headphones. Its for when im in bed watching tv, i have old senhiesiers but they are really uncomfortable (massive). I would like something super lite that i can sorta go on my side with. Suggestions, battery life would be around 5-6hours.

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These would probably work much better than cans for bed use, http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/home_en.nsf/root/private_headsets_mobile_music_504111

but they are bluetooth, not RF.

noticed a bunch of bluetooth ones that seems pretty nice size, yet how would i get bluetooth work with my tv?

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noticed a bunch of bluetooth ones that seems pretty nice size, yet how would i get bluetooth work with my tv?

There are products that take audio input from a device like the TV and transmit it via bluetooth.


Just make sure to do your research. I'm sure these devices are full of quirks.

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so i think i figured this out...

bluetooth transmiter



something like this b/c the above transmitter is 3.5mm headphone jack and my tv doesnt have a headphone jack (i dont think, i cant see it)


what fudge suggested.

This seem to make sense?

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