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Forge Cbv Problem


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Well I just installed my forge cbv from viva and It's making a nasty noise.

Sorry for the crappy Iphone video but all you need is the sound. (Hope it works)


From what I searched this might be compressor surge?

I bought it with the stock green spring since I'm only boosting around 14.

Though I was surprised how hard it was to physically push in the piston on the cbv... but I figured that was normal.

Both vacuum and boost are fine by the way...

Any help would be appreciated!

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yes that is compressor surge. I have the forge CBV currently with the yellow spring on my 850 and it does not make that noise. I've heard a little bit of compressor surge at light to mid throttle but it's hardly noticeable and has lessened the last week. Sounds like something is not right

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i do not have to use both thumbs to push it. Did you open it to see what spring is in there? maybe they got the wrong one in yours

Nope. Guess I gotta take it off and check it. :monkey:

The only other thing I can think of is if I installed it in the wrong direction.

I installed it so the vacuum nipple was pointing up and towards the drivers side of the car.

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Oh ha sorry, I read your post like this

" The only other thing I can think of is if I installed it in the wrong direction.

I installed it so the vacuum nipple was pointing up..."

I guess I stopped reading at that word. Hold on I think i have a picture.

OK here we go. it's hard to see but the nipple really doesn't point up at all.


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Thats gotta be my problem then. My brother has a 15g in his basement and I just opened it up.

There's a crescent shaped opening just like the one on the forge cbv and now I'm pretty sure that I got it on the wrong side.

I guess I just have weak thumbs :lol:

Kristian thanks for the quick replies you really helped me out. :tup:

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The crescent side should be on the passenger side, and the cap with the vacuum nipple is moveable/adjustable. My car makes the same noise on throttle lift off and I've been told its not surge. I'm running 18.5 pounds of boost with the green spring in. My Forge came with yellow spring stock (weakest spring) and I bought the spring tune up kit to swap in the green spring (step up from yellow).

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