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What Engine Oil Do You Use?


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The 3K mile OCI if for your grandma (consumer level vehicles).

Let's do a little math here for you 3K mile addicts.

Let's say an oil change costs $35 dollars and your going for 200K miles?

That's a cost of $2,310!! just on oil and filters.

We switch over to 6K OCI's and we reduce that to $1,155

Go ever further to 9K OCI's and we are down to $777

OK lets do some more math. The "average" person drives around 15,000 miles a year. To go to your 200,000 mile scenario it will take over 13.3 years to get there. At $2,310.00 that is only about $175.00 a year, That is still pretty cheap insurance even if you are a student. Don't drink your Starbucks crap-a-latte coffee for 1 day a week and you will have more that enough to do the oil changes with money to spare.

Your next reason for not changing is that maybe you could buy "umm, maybe an RN motor". I don't know anybody that will save $175.00 a year for over 13.3 years to buy ANY engine.

ummm, idono about you guys but I think I will pocket my cash money and spend it on what? umm maybe an RN motor say. I bet you could even get 200K miles out of one of these motors on 25K OCI's haha! but to each their own. Redoing ALL my seals is cheaper then 3K OCI's period....

Look over UOA and find one that states that the additive package is depleted at 3K, given it's a quality oil!

Again these are only MY opinions so I know there are those who don't agree and that is OK. That is why we live in the good 'ol USA. And I am out of here !!...........................TIM

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