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2000 V70xc Transmission Problems


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It's time to make a new thread for this (old one is a bit off topic)

So my Mom's car is currently having tranny issues. It sometimes slips out of gear, revs, then abruptly clunks back into gear. This happens more in reverse than in drive.

The trans fluid wasn't changed for 90k mi and we've been trying change (drain/refill) the fluid a few times to gently get all of the gunk out.

Here's what i'm thinking in chronological order:

1.) The tranny fluid was burned 30k mi ago due to lack of maintenance. Probably 90k on the trans fluid and never changed.

This caused gunk to build up inside of the trans and excessive clutch

pack wear.

2.) Trans fluid was changed and drained some of the gunk out.

3.) Trans fluid changed again to drain more gunk out

4.) Trans fluid was changed again a few weeks ago. This might have

dislodged a clump of gunk that's currently starving areas of the

transmission of oil.

5.) Immediately afterwards, the transmission started behaving

unusually with slipping and clunking in/out of gear. This is probably

b/c of a clump of gunk clogging a passageway.

6.) My mechanic added about 1/2 of a quart of fluid thinking that the fluid

level was slightly low

7.) I just checked the fluid and we are now about 2k mi into the

latest fluid change with dark fluid. The dipstick showed low fluid, so I

added about 3/4 quart of ATF to try to get it up to the cold half full

line. I even drove it around to try to get the fluid circulating and

up a bit. The fluid looked icky and smelled burnt.

I'm thinking that there is a bit of a blockage somewhere in the trans. This would explain why the ATF reservoir pan that the dipstick sticks

into is giving unusual readings when using the dipstick. Fluid should be constantly flowing in/out of the reservoir pan, right? I

know we're not leaking trans fluid and i'm pretty sure that the correct amount was put in the when changing the fluid, so it's probable that

fluid is getting pumped and stuck somewhere. Thoughts? Is there any other reason why it'd be difficult to get a good read on the trans fluid?

I'm thinkin that a tranny fluid flush is in order. What do you guys think?? Is there much difference between an a flush done at Aamco and a flush done with an iPd flush kit? At this point, i don't think the trans is going to last long in it's current state, so i think the risk of doing the flush is worth the potential gain.

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Is there a flashing arrow?

ATF doesnt sludge up, it will get particle build up but very fine from the clutch packs. 90k is not bad per say it will distroy the tranny. If you are changing out the fluid and it never gets clean then you have a mechanical failure internally.

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Yea, i was thinking about getting a bottle of Seafoam for the trans. If there is a blockage, it'd hopefully dissolve it and keep it in circulation.

No flashing arrow or any dummy lights lit on the dash.

I just find it very, very coincidental that this unusual behavior started to occur immediately after a fluid change. Usually fluid changes don't cause internal mechanical failure...

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