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Fu...k I Gots Hernia


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I'm sure you could go to like Mexico or south america like those women do for the $300 boob Job and Face lift. Of course we all know how bad those look, so....

its like 5gs in mexico. found a place in MD that does it for 1900.00

im just going to wait for my insurance to kick in.... i have an appointment with the surgeon on the 1st

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Are there schools/training programs that will do it on the cheap if you let them practice on you?

based on the little I know about this issue, would it make sense to take a steady regular dose of OTC laxatives (stool softener type, such as Miralax) to reduce strain and pain from now until his consultation?



Also, maybe pay out of pocket for a traditional meeting with a doctor. Explain prior to the appointment that you don't have insurance and what your situation is. Probably ~$120 depending on the doc and the area. I bet this varies widely thought. Have the doc check you out and ask for advice on what to do given your predicament. I bet they can offer much more reliable advice than anyone here. Especially because it seems like some hernias are "no big deal" type, while others can be extremely serious. Perhaps a doc can at least advice you on what you might have.

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Are there schools/training programs that will do it on the cheap if you let them practice on you?

based on the little I know about this issue, would it make sense to take a steady regular dose of OTC laxatives (stool softener type, such as Miralax) to reduce strain and pain from now until his consultation?



Also, maybe pay out of pocket for a traditional meeting with a doctor. Explain prior to the appointment that you don't have insurance and what your situation is. Probably ~$120 depending on the doc and the area. I bet this varies widely thought. Have the doc check you out and ask for advice on what to do given your predicament. I bet they can offer much more reliable advice than anyone here. Especially because it seems like some hernias are "no big deal" type, while others can be extremely serious. Perhaps a doc can at least advice you on what you might have.


I have the serious type of hernia. I need to get surgery asap.

I mainly posted here for the I crapped my pants and I love how it feels and giggles not really for anyone's medical expertise

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Oh I know you don't expect medical expertise :P I wasn't trying to imply that asking for VS's help was a bad idea. I never understand why people get all pissy when people ask for help on the forum. Anyone with a brain would know to take the advice provided exactly for what it is; advice from random people you don't know well on a forum. That doesn't mean there wouldn't be some decent suggestions offered. Looking at you, rmorse ;)

If you know that you need surgery asap, just remember that some debt isn't worth dying over. If shit hits the fan, don't prevent yourself from calling 911 because you're being cheap. Financial jams suck, but we aren't talking about an unrecoverable amount of debt here. Start calling around getting quotes on the surgery. Explain immediately that you do not have insurance, nor a lot of money. My understanding is that the price they charge is usually whatever insurance pays out at, even if that's more than they would require. The price can change if you are paying out of pocket. Otherwise I still think you're best bet is a out-of-pocket consultation with a surgeon or specialist in this type of field to determine if it is reasonably safe to try to wait until Sept. 1st is the best game plan. If you need help figuring out what specialist to call, hospitals have referral departments that will listen to your symptoms and direct you to the appropriate type of doctor.

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I have the serious type of hernia. I need to get surgery asap.

I mainly posted here for the I crapped my pants and I love how it feels and giggles not really for anyone's medical expertise

Really? I would expect it to be painful given the hernia.

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