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Racial Profiling?


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Back on topic. I get serached a good 50% of the time I fly, I don't have a problem with it. I know how threatening well dressed young white males are :P

To be honest, I have no problem with that kind of profiling so long as it doesn't lead to restriction of rights or segregation. I don't really see why anyone would. Given that the VAST, VAST majority of the terrorists threatening us are of middle-eastern decent, I don't see a probem with a little profiling when it comes to air plane searches. I don't see where the objection is? I don't think anyone save a very ignorant few think that every muslim or arab is a terrorist. But I think most can agree that the majority of terrorists are muslim and/or arab.

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Back on topic. I get serached a good 50% of the time I fly, I don't have a problem with it. I know how threatening well dressed young white males are  :P

To be honest, I have no problem with that kind of profiling so long as it doesn't lead to restriction of rights or segregation. I don't really see why anyone would. Given that the VAST, VAST majority of the terrorists threatening us are of middle-eastern decent, I don't see a probem with a little profiling when it comes to air plane searches. I don't see where the objection is? I don't think anyone save a very ignorant few think that every muslim or arab is a terrorist. But I think most can agree that the majority of terrorists are muslim and/or arab.

Timothy McVeigh.

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Joe started this thread, but seems to have disappeared.

That's just my style for threads like these. :)

I just post and let it brew. There really is no use arguing about my opinions on such a subject, as doing so will merely be a waste of time. On cars, you can prove someone wrong and make them look like a fool. With something dealing with politics/religion, there is very little proving and very few answers.

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Joe I tend to agree but I know that even with myself proof is not always such that people will believe. Just because someone online says something and "proves" it doesn't really mean anything, depending on what it is.

Take for example a timeslip, I say I rrun a 13.3 how hard is it to take my actual timeslip and change the numbers on it, not very. So with some stuff there is no actual proof, just an illusion of truth.

I think profiling for some stuff is alright. I mean if a black person is driving down the road minding his business and he gets pulled over that is some weak stuff. But racism is a myth and a reality. Because everyone preaches about being non-racist but the truth is people still are.

Now if a guy who looks like freaking osama bin laden jumps onto a plane they better be profilin'.

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Now if a guy who looks like freaking osama bin laden jumps onto a plane they better be profilin'.

Timothy McVeigh - White guy who kiled 185 people in OK City

Ted "Unabomber" Kaczinski - White guy who sent bombs in the mail

Eric Rudolph - White guy who set off the bomb at the Olympics in 1996 and bombed several family planning clinics.

David Koresh - White guy who stockpiled illegal weapons with his cult followers and fought it out with the FBI at Waco

John Allen Muhammed - Black guy who's just plain crazy

Why aren't we profiling Americans? It seems like there are a lot more 'active' terrorists inside the U.S. who are white than middle eastern, doesn't it? John Muhammed is a muslim convert, but there has been no evidence to suggest his actions were anything other than simple random homo-cide. (Come on, the guy is gay and Malvo was his lover, they just don't want to say it on the evening news...)


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at least make mention that our country was founded upon Christian values.

Was it?

See me after class.

I must have missed what was being tought, could you make your points without cutting and pasting so you can jump all over the place and totally confuse as you amuse.

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Timothy McVeigh - White guy who kiled 185 people in OK City

Ted "Unabomber" Kaczinski - White guy who sent bombs in the mail

Eric Rudolph - White guy who set off the bomb at the Olympics in 1996 and bombed several family planning clinics.

David Koresh - White guy who stockpiled illegal weapons with his cult followers and fought it out with the FBI at Waco

John Allen Muhammed - Black guy who's just plain crazy

Why aren't we profiling Americans? It seems like there are a lot more 'active' terrorists inside the U.S. who are white than middle eastern, doesn't it? John Muhammed is a muslim convert, but there has been no evidence to suggest his actions were anything other than simple random homo-cide. (Come on, the guy is gay and Malvo was his lover, they just don't want to say it on the evening news...)


so combined these people killed about 200 people, way to go, pigs (animals not the po po) kill more people per year than these guys did all toghether.....

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so combined these people killed about 200 people, way to go, pigs (animals not the po po) kill more people per year than these guys did all toghether.....

Oh, please. Are you actually trying to quantify who's a "bad" terrorist and who's not, by adding up the body count? The point of terrorism is not the actually killing, but the THREAT of being killed.

Pleae don't tell me that the entire eastern seaboard of the United States was not completely terrified to go outside for fear of being shot by John Muhammed back in 2003. He "only" killed a dozen people or so, yet he TERRIFIED 20 million people for a month.

The threat posed by Eric Rudolph to family planning doctors and their patients did not go un-noticed either. How many women didn't seek the medical attention they needed because they feared the harrasment of protesters and the threat of being blown up by a renegade lunatic? Just because his backpack bomb at the Olympic park in 1996 only killed 1 person, it did it's intended job by scaring people away from the venues.


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The threat posed by Eric Rudolph to family planning doctors and their patients did not go un-noticed either. How many women didn't seek the medical attention they needed because they feared the harrasment of protesters and the threat of being blown up by a renegade lunatic?

This is very true, both in America, Canada, and all over the world.

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The fact of the matter is, no matter what nationality, race, or religion a group of people are, there are always extremists. For whatever reason, they cannot think rationally and behave accordingly. I think right now, the general population is more worried about the threat of terror coming from a Musilm extremist because perhaps the worst trajedy/act of terror was attributed to that group. Actually, there is probably the same chance of a terrorist attack conducted by a white guy than of any other race. The bottom line is that it is nearly impossible to profile an idea in someone's head, where it is very easy to profile darker skin and a beard. That is why it is being done right now. Its easy and it makes some people feel safer.

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Oooh oooh or the "relocation" of Japanese Americans during WWII. I don't believe any were killed, but don't tell me stripping you of your home, your job, and all your possessions for the simple reason that you knew the language of the Enemy is acceptable. We didn't exactly do it to every German family, why the Japanese? Because they were much easier to profile! We're as guilty as any other country, we just didn't leave as big a mess.

quick, name the president and party he represented that invented these camps. anyone? if you want to get more history, name the president and the party he represented who drove the indians out of the southeast. anyone? name the president and the party he represented who basically gave up poland at potsdam and left the polish out to dry for 60 years behind the iron curtain? name the president and the party he represented who got us into vietnam. name the president and party he represented who knowingly hired communist spies in the state department. anyone? one final thing, name the president and the party he represented under whom slavery was brought to an end in the united states. anyone? name the president and the party he represented who brought an end to the vietnam war and brought the troops home under a peace agreement. anyone? name the president and the party he represented under whom the cold war was brought to an end. anyone?

i could go on, but this is mostly just a jab that isn't exaclty substantive, just a counter attack to what mostly goes on here. not trying to provide evidence for anything other than a general trend...and very very loosley and unscientifically at that.

yall have a good day, and don't put too much effort into arguing. :)

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i could go on, but this is mostly just a jab that isn't exaclty substantive, just a counter attack to what mostly goes on here.  not trying to provide evidence for anything other than a general trend...and very very loosley and unscientifically at that.

At least you came out and said it yourself. :D

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