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And So It Begins!

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Min Wage 20 an hour LOL

It should be 4 an hour and that would solve the illegal alien issue.

http://occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-for-occupy-wall-st-moveme/ <--- bat shit crazy. Forget pepper spray get out the scatter shot

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the occupy site is way out there. now my ip address is there. kind of like visiting al jazeera, i'm sure i'm on a watch list now.

the arab spring is coming, you cant sedate the masses with hand outs forever.

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the occupy site is way out there. now my ip address is there. kind of like visiting al jazeera, i'm sure i'm on a watch list now. the arab spring is coming, you cant sedate the masses with hand outs forever.

TOR. Except, you'll probably be on a watch list for using TOR. Either that or backdoored :lol:

Prepare to be pissed off


I'm the last person who wants to be showing up for work in a suit, but do you see anyone there you'd trust economical advice from?

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Put this on FB the other day, but I was at a friend's house, walked in to the bathroom, popped the toilet seat up to take a piss and found:



I had to calm the laughing before I could pee and not hit the wall :lol:

Just recently, someone started a FB event from the school I graduated from saying that 'we' should pay for people's education now. It's piggy-backing off the 1% hate movement. What happened to don't hate the player, hate the game? Oh ya, the player had the right to defend themselves.

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Put this on FB the other day, but I was at a friend's house, walked in to the bathroom, popped the toilet seat up to take a piss and found:

I wonder if they sell that in a urinal cake too? I can think of some bars where that would go over well. Oh wait, they do:


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