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Halloween Candy Report-post Up What You Pulled

Matty Moo

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My kids didn't do that great this year, the weight of the bag just wasn't there this time. The quality of the candy was good, the quantity just wasn't there. I'd say we hit 30 less houses than usual...they were tired and I had no problem going back home. Typically, I mix up a 32oz mixed drink before heading out, I didn't do it this year and I think it ruined the vibe. In years past I always urged them to keep going, this year I didn't.

For the first time ever, there was no old-school candy...Squirrels, Mary-Janes...things like that.

My 12 year old had the best year ever, but her and her friends use their heads. They scope out the house and what they drive, if it looks cheap they pass. She pulled about 8 lbs.

Usual shit...some asshole with some homemade popcorn, a little welfare candy and some asshole with a religious pamphlet. I knew they were beat when we got home and the three year old laid on the floor and said "leave me alone".

I do get excited about it though. It isn't like the 70's and 80's where every house was giving shit away, BUT, the elderly have been making a showing the past few years...spending more than usual and always giving the little kids more than the big kids.

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First time in the new neighborhood. (Relativity new development and younger family homes) Was surprised at the number of full size candy bars that my daughter got. we were only out for like half an hour. I can't imagine how much candy we could have gotten if we had gone the full length of the development.

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First halloween in my place. Relatively dense area, quite a bit of kids. Nice area to walk, pretty safe, mostly short dead-end or loop-around streets. We got like 10 kids, and the gf even set up a nice halloween display in the window with a nice pumpkin and orange lights. Couldn't believe how small the turn out was. Even our neighbors, who practically share a driveway with us, left with their 6 year old and didn't come by, returned the same way. Maybe they've heard me complaining about how much their kid cries, or maybe they're a litte ashamed since the first few months we were here, the cops ended up at their house over a domestic assault issue :lol:

Oh, and I'm sure you all know I'm a candy lover. I made sure to get a nice variety of candies I thought most people would love (and coincidentally, I just happen to love all of them :)). Reeses cups, fast breaks, pieces, Baby Ruth, Take5, Crunch Bars, 100Grand, annnd Butter Fingers. If you don't like chocolate, sucks to be you :P But I felt the quality of the candy in the halloween bags was leagues below what is normally found on the shelves. Next year I'll be watching for sales on the regular shelf'ed products. Probably comparable prices but better quality.

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i buy candy every year and just eat it myself. What i wasnt able to get when i was younger i acquire myself now. Only sucks that childrens toys dont entertain me like when i was a kid, and the toys i would like now are ridiculously expensive.

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... But I felt the quality of the candy in the halloween bags was leagues below what is normally found on the shelves. Next year I'll be watching for sales on the regular shelf'ed products. Probably comparable prices but better quality.

I totally Agree. when I was opening up the Bagged candy to give away, I found about 8 of the fun sized butter fingers were not even sealed in their little wrappers!

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Small turnout in our neighborhood last night which usually sees a ton of kids. Don't know where they all went. Then again, our subdivision does a Halloween parade the Sunday before Oct 31st following which anyone who wants to participate by posting an orange flyer on their door then opens up for trick or treating. So it was two days back to back and I wouldn't blame some parents for deciding we're not doing it two nights in a row. Between trunk or treat at the church on Saturday evening and last night (we didn't do the neighborhood thing due to a schedule conflict) the girls raked it in. And we were only out for about 2 hours. The 3 year old was wiped out and we had to call for my wife to come pick them up.

My new favorite candy though is those Snickers Peanut Butter Squares. Those things rock! I still have a massive bowl of candy leftover so I think the office is going to be enjoying it since my wife wants it out of the house.

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Third year in a row we've gotten under 3. So my wife and I have been feasting on the Hershey's minitures, Snickers and Butterfingers. :( Too many people in there 80's in my neighborhood. But when my kids old enough I'll take him up and down the street and he is going to make out like a bandit! :P

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A number of towns in CT "canceled" Halloween....I don't think they understand how retarded that sounds

Reminds me of Justin VS the definition of rare :lol:

yup, norwalk included. didn't stop a lot of them though seeing as i almost ran over 12 of them

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