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Why Pegs Suck.....

Ghost Shadow

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BBS still makes average wheels.

I think what reflects a good wheel is time sensative. IE, in 1772 I am sure anything that was round was considered good. Not round is a given but we expect lights, stronger, better cooling, whatever. So even a wheel from 1995 which may have been awesome at the time, becomes average at best by todays standards. Hence the need for innovation which BBS is lacking. When BBS was sold it was bought for its IPs. That is what they have been resting on for a long time.

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BBS still makes average wheels.

I think what reflects a good wheel is time sensative. IE, in 1772 I am sure anything that was round was considered good. Not round is a given but we expect lights, stronger, better cooling, whatever. So even a wheel from 1995 which may have been awesome at the time, becomes average at best by todays standards. Hence the need for innovation which BBS is lacking. When BBS was sold it was bought for its IPs. That is what they have been resting on for a long time.

Well articulated, that was what I was trying to get across a few pages ago. "Re-inventing the wheel" is applicable here - it's been invented, refined and replicated to the point where everyone can do it and make new designs. If a company just decides to stop investing in the vectors to make things lighter, stronger and cheaper and probably stops getting patents (all guesses to BBS fate in the last decade) then they will be overtaken by companies in lower cost markets with equivalent technology.

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Well articulated, that was what I was trying to get across a few pages ago. "Re-inventing the wheel" is applicable here - it's been invented, refined and replicated to the point where everyone can do it and make new designs. If a company just decides to stop investing in the vectors to make things lighter, stronger and cheaper and probably stops getting patents (all guesses to BBS fate in the last decade) then they will be overtaken by companies in lower cost markets with equivalent technology.

Just admit it. You have a secret man crush on me.

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Ok...so to recap this entire thread...which I personally found quite amusing btw...

1. Pegs suck

2. Replica Pegs suck

3. Made In China sucks

4. BBS wheels suck

5. Pegs suck...oh wait I said that already.

I left out all the political and law crap out of the recap....but in closing let me just say this....


Pegs make awesome firepit rings and thats all!!! Unless they were made in China and then they would never last anyways

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Just admit it. You have a secret man crush on me.

I only seek little green squares in the bottom right corners of my posts to prove I am loved.

and EVL was right all along. But we've been OEM-wheel-hate partners the whole time. :tup:

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EVL was right all along. But we've been OEM-wheel-hate partners the whole time. :tup:

Yes we have brutha...yes we have!!!

Sorry Mikey...it's the truth. I never said Chinese people were terrible ugly monsters...I said and will say that made in China product is garbage for the most part. My buddies tool and die shop in Windsor lost all of it's primary contracts to a Chinese company, but Chrysler now sends the molds to his shop to have them fixed after they arrive from China. Sorry to say it dude. but China is just "Made In Taiwan" on a much larger scale.

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Yes we have brutha...yes we have!!!

Sorry Mikey...it's the truth. I never said Chinese people were terrible ugly monsters...I said and will say that made in China product is garbage for the most part. My buddies tool and die shop in Windsor lost all of it's primary contracts to a Chinese company, but Chrysler now sends the molds to his shop to have them fixed after they arrive from China. Sorry to say it dude. but China is just "Made In Taiwan" on a much larger scale.

Thats Chryslers fault for not knowing how to write a contract. Yes it is probably true that 50% or more of the worst products come out of china. I think it is also true that 50% or more of the best products also do.

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