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Aaron's Warning To Me...lol

Matty Moo

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Good read, I figured I'd post it here for all to see. I'm usually not one to stir the pot but this actually made me laugh. I'm not sure where he says I harassed him, but whatever.

FYI...I told him not to bother.

This is the one and only warning i will give so put it in the R forum thread so all the kids can read.

I will not tolerate harrassment as some members have in the past, that behavior has legal consequences and I will not hesitate to pursue charges.

That being said we have no contract, I ordered nothing off your website. This is one persons fault.....yours. You sent a module out free of charge with no binding contract.

Ever hear the saying dont trust friends? Same applies for internet people regardless of reputation.

Now with that being said I will get to the fucking junkyard when it is convenient for me, I am not canceling plans or sacrificing time with my wife.

I am not paying 45 for something that I can go pull for 5 bucks if that, period.

I will not respond to any emails, texts and do not ever want to log back into VS so save your energy.

I will send an email when I am finally able to make it to the junkyard with tracking information.

Lastly let me repeat, I WILL NOT TOLERATE HARRASSMENT. There is no binding contract or Paypal purchase, just a vendor that sent something out free of charge.

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If anyone couldn't tell Aaron was a giant douchebag from his goodbye thread, this should solidify it.

I've ordered ABS modules from Matt before, and he's always been a pleasure to deal with. It's a shame members of this community (the same ones Matt does the most to help), shit on him like this.

On another note, does a warning count as a threat?

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LOL, got his attention didn't I? Pay up Aaron you deadbeat. And I didn't harrass you for the record, I just wrote on your new forum in threads you were posting that you owe Matt. The mod at Acurazine was kind enough to take down the facts and contact you. And in your post you just verified every bit of what I wrote.

If you don't return to Matt what is legally his and what you owe him then I will be contacting Ron at Acurazine again to let him know to make sure you don't pull similar stunts on your fellow Acura owners.

Scratch that, I think the mods at Acurazine should be aware of your behavior here since it demonstrates a total lack of regard for what car communities typically focus on: helping each other out. Who knows but whether you'll pull the next L8 APEX style send me your money, oh gee sorry I don't have the products scam given your attitude.

I used to manage a team of collectors - believe when I say I know exactly what the law is in PA for these very kind of situations. And you are 120 days into the debt cycle at this point.

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I told him not to bother sending me another unit.

When the tone goes south like that the intent usually follows, I don't want anything further to do with it. I don't want a unit back with shit on it, crabs, influenza or whatever. Him telling me exactly how he is is enough payment for me.

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All right, fair enough. People never cease to surprise me - apparently Aaron is an ass.

Next time I'm in a JY I'll pull one for you Matt.

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What a fuckin douchenozzle...I love the binding contract line of crap....it's called helping someone out in a pinch out of good faith.

Matt is a great guy and that whole email boils my blood. Aaron...if you are reading this...you sir are what we consider...a fuckin cocksucker!!! I had your back many times on here too, but now you can go fuck yourself....dick!

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