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Aaron's Warning To Me...lol

Matty Moo

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Also amusing that he thinks contracts must be written.

I have an ARD tune I got from Lucky. I also had another ARD tune that lucky sent me to figure something out....so I had two at once. Just a simple "Run this, send the other back", which went back today.

Based on Aaron's thinking, I should have told Lucky to get bent, and it's all good because there was no written contract. Therefore it would be Lucky's fault because he trusted me to do what we verbally agreed upon. Oh yeah, I never even ordered my original tune off of his website, we did it via email. So, I can do a chargeback on that too because it wasn't official. And even though it's a $400+ tune, I can go pull an ECU at the yard for $10..so why should I pay Lucky shit for an ECU when I can get one for $10?

AND...when he asks me several times where it is...I'll throw a bitch-fit and tell him he's the piece of shit...not me.

That's a whole mess of fucked up thinking...isn't it? I almost feel like a piece of shit for even typing it out, let alone imagining it. But...that's reality to somebody.

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Matty, I've got a pile of ABS modules that need repair and I don't have time to dick with them. I get them from a buddy that works at a local volvo dealership, say the word and they're yours. Just shoot me a PM. Sorry you had to deal with this dick hole.

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Hey guys! I miss all of you terribly so!

I've been doing good, job's great, car's getting at least 31.3 MPG, money that I want to spend on modifications have been going straight to the bank to attack the principle. :)

2 payments went in so far and $200 has been taken straight off the top. I did slip though, A 24mm adjustable Progress RSB is going in very soon, the rear already follows the front and stays flat so I'd imagine I'm in for a nice treat. ;)

yeah...by not paying the people he owes. Soon he will have PNC or whoever knocking on his trailer door..

Suntrust actually and it's an inner city row home door.......only one on the block that has a new tasteful storm and front door. ;)

Man that's funny

I should of shagged his girlfriend at carlisle when I could of


aarons profile


here is mine...member since 2004 women of questionable morals.


Are all china men so invasive? You really are creeper status man but if you want to follow me and be part of the fan club that's cool I guess. :lol:

So there, poleswinger, I dare you to link my Facebook page. :P

Can someone go find his new fancy Acura?? :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

I'll do you one better, I'll get in it and drive it. :D

Also, if anyone is interested I have some stereo equipment for sale that I will sell you for only a 50% mark up from new, list prices. :):lol:

Happy drama and volvospeeding.

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Good to see you've moved out of the trailer park and into the urban ghetto. Here's to hoping you die in a fire.

Damn Greg, you made me spit coffee on my new keyboard.

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Contact for debt collection is not harassment. Unless it's certified stalking every judge in America would laugh at that claim.

That said, if you have a fed tax ID (or DBA SSN, obviously), you can add this to his credit report. I would call that fair.

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