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Seriously man, i dont want this to keep going on, like that little stuff conversation was fun, but i odnt think i can handle it everytime i post having soemone post a pic of how stupid or something i am. im really not.  like i jsut really wanna tlak to people online about volvos cuz no one here knows anything except jake and kevin so...but yeh man i wanna see pics of your car though for real, i love wagons, i almost bought a 95' 850 turbo, burgundy.  but it needed to much done to it, but it was alreayd lwoered and stuff. but anyway, hope everyhting is ok between us, even though this is the internet i dont want any VS people mad at me, especially ones my own age that i can prolly get the most info from if they knwo mroe then, which it sounds like you do, thanks man laters.

My responses to you:


Boo Hoo...

And yes you really are dumb, you speak for yourself

First step to stepping up a level is acknowledging it (And learning how to type)

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nahhh, I was just messin around with him yesterday, he took whatever seriously then had to bring out some racial bla bla and then I realized how dumb he really is...

Plus it's kinda fun to be mean to him 

Im down, i got money on brian, gotta repersent the NW!! kick is jerk seabass

yeh well whats new, people at my shcool do $hit to me like that cuz they know ill get mad and they think its funny cuz they know ill try adn start something with them when they are just kidding so...yeh u got me!

thanks jake for having my back, and if u didnt, id be pissed! just kidding man. :D

but yeh so when are we fighting? :lol: :lol:

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It'll be like bumfight, but funnier...

Who wants to start the bets? I'm thinking odds are on Noah, so I guess that will affect payout.. though I say we just give half the pot to the winner, and blow the rest on burgers & beer

Who's with me?


I'm in, but my money's on Brian. He's a big fellla. How tall is Noah? I'm getting Brian's around 6'2-3"

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