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Matty Moo Rocks


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Matty stopped by today while up here in Northern Michigan visiting his parents and brought me gifts...a new hatch trim piece for the wagon and a 6 pack of Blue Light. He also removed the ABS module from the EVL one so that it can be repaired for when she comes back out in the spring.

Thanks again buds...you rock!!!

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Thanks Craig! It was nice just to get away from all the family shit for a few hours.

I -1 you for "Blue Light" I have nothing against cheap beer but that shit is the fucking WORST

I don't mind the stuff.

You don't understand Northern Michigan though. Incredibly rural with two classes of people, Haves and Have Nots....and it's almost all Have Nots. So, when you go to the store to get beer it's all lower level swill, Busch, Bud, Natty...shit like that. Labatts is considered top shelf up there and I've always found that a lot of places don't even sell it. When I lived in that same area there was only one store in the entire county where you could get anything aside from mass-produced stuff.

Up there every gas station sells beer, and some sell liquor too. A lot of people are 20+ minutes from any type of real grocery store, but you'll always find a gas station out in the middle of BFE.

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left you feedback about last night


lol...I thought that was supposed to be a secret....lol

Thanks Craig! It was nice just to get away from all the family shit for a few hours.

I don't mind the stuff.

You don't understand Northern Michigan though. Incredibly rural with two classes of people, Haves and Have Nots....and it's almost all Have Nots. So, when you go to the store to get beer it's all lower level swill, Busch, Bud, Natty...shit like that. Labatts is considered top shelf up there and I've always found that a lot of places don't even sell it. When I lived in that same area there was only one store in the entire county where you could get anything aside from mass-produced stuff.

Up there every gas station sells beer, and some sell liquor too. A lot of people are 20+ minutes from any type of real grocery store, but you'll always find a gas station out in the middle of BFE.

lol...tell me about it buds. It's definitely a different world here sometimes.

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