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Car Stalling


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Hey everyone, I noticed my car has started running weird recently...

Basically the car feels like it buckles on deceleration, when I let off the gas peddle, sometimes it jerks the car instead of just cutting the gas smoothly as usual. Today I was rolling to a stop, pushed in the clutch, and the car stalled...

Any ideas?

Car otherwise runs prefect. Boosts fine...

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Before spending any money, do the basic free things first. Check your plugs, cap, wires, Make sure your air filter & fuel filter are clean, Check for broken, loose or cracked vacuum lines and hoses. Clean your throttle body plate and check your ground straps. Check for any codes. You would be surprised how many times it is something simple. Good luck...............TIM

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All the parts you named are relatively new on my car, all were changed within 10000 km. I checked my plugs and regaped them 2 Weeks ago.

I did an anti rust treatment last week, could the oil have done something? Oil was shot in the engine bay as well as under the car and in the doors.

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