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Vst Carbon Fiber Front Lip For 850/850r

The Stig

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Hi guys,

Ok, Ken dilligently worked his jerk off on all of our behalfs to get a great fit for the VST Lip on the 850R bumper. Not just that, but he also took off his airwalker spoiler and tested the carbon fiber lip on the regular 850 bumper. It fits, in fact better than it originally did on the 850R bumper. This is probably because it's a bit narrower. Anyhow, pics were taken, and will be posted as soon as Will or someone else hosts them.


Ken & Peter

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Ok, yes it does. But your wife doesn't mind us being close ;)

Anyhow, back to business. Here are the pics of us fitting the 850R bumper. Cuts were made, braces were drilled in, fibreglass will be applied liberally, and the new lip should be done relatively soon. Fits like a glove now!








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so this one goes for 220? fiberglass right?

can you guys please check on how much it would be without the gb?

Hi Dan,

The ordering would be through Marc @ Gemini, so why not give him a call directly and ask. He might hold the price for you, depending on when you purchase.

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You mean a DTM splitter? Those are available for the 850R. I'm not sure where you'd get one. I was thinking about that, but it looks a bit too radical for the front of the car unless the rest of it is riced out. I think there's a pic of that on EST's gallery.

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Thanks for the update, guys. I've been away from the forums for a bit. School's busier, and it has been open snowboarding season (finally) on the east coast (stupid warm spells).

Are we still getting full CF lips? That's what I'm hoping for.

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