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S70 Fiberglass Sub Enclosure Build


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Hey guys, I used to read up a lot over on DIYmobileaudio.com and have now decided to give my shot at fiberglassing an enclosure in the side of my trunk panel. I have limited fiberglass experience besides using it to fix my 960 lip.

Bear with me because I have been just taking the occasional iphone picture

Here's the amp that I have, I got it for $100 a few years ago from Lucas!

Memphis 16-PR1.500 (16pr1500) Power Reference PR Series Class D

and the subwoofer I'm using that I picked up for $40 from a friend

MB Quart RSH 254 Component Car Subwoofers at Onlinecarstereo.com

And here are a few pictures that I have taken so far. I masked the panel with some masking tape and then some pieces of tin foil. Then laid down 2 layers of cloth, followed by a layer of mat, then followed by some strands of rope to add rigidity and then another layer of cloth.









and then one test fitted back into the side panel


Did some more work today/tonight only to run into an issue of not having hot glue to position the ring and legs to hold it in place so that will have to wait until tomorrow.

But here we go with a few more!

Trimmed and then test fitted



Made a little jig to draw circles.


cut the first hole! and it fits!


Cut out the second ring to recess it a bit for a cleaner look.


glued and clamped


and a guesstimate mockup of how I want it to sit...


Got some more work done, and now its back to the computer while waiting for the resin to dry!

Borrowed a hot glue gun from my moms work since I couldn't find mine and got to work, mounted up the support legs


then mounted the ring I made


anddd a test fit


I used some tape to mock the shape of the cloth and then had to trim some of the fiberglass so it would clear the trunk arm thing.




then I grabbed a t-shirt I had kicking around (I work for NOS Energy drink so even though it was a brand new shirt, it was free and I can always get another! haha)

Wrapped, I was able to use the sleeve hole to go where the sub was which helped when trying to stretch the shirt back and forth to get it taught.



Glued down the shirt starting in one section and worked my way around the outside in increments of about 3-5 inches until I had it tight all around as seen above.

Layed down the resin and let it soak into the shirt and thats where I'm at now!



Thanks for looking! Hopefully it will dry by later tonight and I can add a layer of cloth on top!


(yes, I copied from another forum and posted here, but this is where I'm at so far)

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Nice! Looking forward to the finished product. How heavy do you think it's going to be?

I am horrible with weight, but definitely less than the current MDF cube I have. haha

I'll throw it on a scale when totally done and will compare it to the weight of my previous box.

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Looking good so far! I plan on fiberglassing a box for myself this summer, so I'll be following this thread closely.

It's definitely not hard... I wish I was doing this during summer because drying times would be way shorter! That's been one of the biggest things to slow me down is having stuff not have dried by the time I go to work on the next layer.

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Sweet, looking forward to seeing the end result brah.

Yeah I'm hoping it will be at least grade c pimp my ride quality. Haha I haves few more pics that I'll upload shortly from the first layer of cloth I put down before I left for class this morning.




That's just the first layer of cloth over the tshirt an I will probably need to do at least 3 more before its solid enough for me to throw the woofer in and test it out. Then i still have to bondo it smooth and then decide if I want to wrap it or paint it.

This first layer was probably the cleanest layer of fiberglass I have ever layed down. Haha

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I used it to add rigidity. It seemed to help give it a tiny bit more rigidity. I had seen it done in other builds to strengthen parts, I figured it couldn't hurt to try so I did.

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Interesting idea. +1 for trying something new.

Wait.. -1 cause this is easier. LOL :D


And looks like crap and takes up trunk space. You should have given me a +1 because I'm using the amp I bought from you.

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And looks like crap and takes up trunk space. You should have given me a +1 because I'm using the amp I bought from you.

Hah. Dimensions on your box? It looks larger, but it's cool that you're making it yourself.

And fine... +1... for the amp you actually bought my sister when she worked at a place that sold motorcycle accessories. What they thought she would do with 2 of those amps? Beyond me. Glad you got one thought. :)

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Hah. Dimensions on your box? It looks larger, but it's cool that you're making it yourself.

And fine... +1... for the amp you actually bought my sister when she worked at a place that sold motorcycle accessories. What they thought she would do with 2 of those amps? Beyond me. Glad you got one thought. :)

Dimensions on my box probably are larger but it's using space in the trunk that is often not used at all. I bought one of the amps and a friend of mine from Cincinnati bought the other if you remember!

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Dimensions on my box probably are larger but it's using space in the trunk that is often not used at all. I bought one of the amps and a friend of mine from Cincinnati bought the other if you remember!

Yes... I remember he liked his enough you picked up yours for some future project. Great to see it in action.

And sounds like crap. It's barely a step up from bazooka tubes.

Sounds like crap if poorly setup. It took me a bit to figure out how/what it needs to sound good. EQ being part of it. Otherwise, it's a great addition to the stock surround... and I do not have the remote gain all the way up.

I guess I need to step up so my car can rattle like guy :


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