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Dreaded Wipers On An 850


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Driver's side post to attach he wiper arm to on my son's '94 850 had the thread stripped from the loose arm so we couldn't tighten down a nut to hold on a new one. I bought a new (used) linkage (transmission) so I pulled the old one out and exchanged the motor to the new one. I never could get the linkage adjusted. I followed VADIS instructions but the wiper blades wanted to go down, not up (so my conclusion is that VADIS is wrong with their instructions for this)... I finally have the arms so that in the "parked" position they are up, but at least they swipe the windshield. Does anyone know the correct linkage adjustment procedure for an 850? That thing has been in and out of the car 4 times now and I spent many frustrating hours last night until I finally gave up and put it in with the above description. Thanks for your help- and yes, I have searched and searched this site, other sites, google, etc., etc. without any information.

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I'm confused...when i replaced the wiper motor on my 93, i got the whole linkage and motor all in one piece. 2 nuts that you replace after you get it into that little bushing thing. I accidentally stripped one of them, but otherwise no issues.

Other then adding some grease/lube to the motor, it was easy as pie. If you re-used your motor (not sure why, since i paid $25 for the linkage and motor together) then i'm not sure how you readjust it. I would find another donor car and just pull it all in one piece, or just get someone on here to send you the entire unit. Its not worth the time and money taking that in and out

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I was desperate- raining hard- they took the linkage out of a car in the rain- I paid $40 for it and re-used my motor, so I know the motor is good. I just need to know how to adjust the linkage. I should have paid attention to how the old linkage was attached.

I'm not about to go buy another unit after I paid for the linkage already.

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If i had my old motor and linkage here i would take a pic to try and help you out. All i know is that the motor went and the linkage moved both.

If possible, instead of popping it in and out of the car, you might just pull the entire motor and linkage out, connect 12V to it inside or somewhere, and adjust it from there. If your taking the linkage in and out with the motor, somethings gonna break soon enough.

just so i remember, the wiring connector was just a 2 prong connector?

As i'm sure you know, but so others know, If you rebend the wiper arms with them still on the car, you will eventually destroy the posts that the arms sit on. That was my reason for replacing, and it definitely helped fix my wiper issue some.

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Thanks Bah and others-

I know what you mean- something is bound to break if I keep doing this.

I would think that there are instructions somewhere for the adjustment. I think it could come out once more and back in without fubarring it but not to many times. You had a great idea about a picture. In fact, I'm gonna try to see if I can get a picture from those selling them on eBay... If not.

Can someone post a picture of the linkage with the motor attached??

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Found a few pictures...blew them up and they're blurry but I think I can make a good guestimate at this point.

However, if anyone has any pictures of the linkage as it's bolted down, that would be very helpful and appreciated!

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Seems there would be "official" instructions on how to set the linkage...something with a diagram, not just wording.

I can't believe this hasn't been an issue on this board before.

I don't want to take the contraption out of the car, re-adjust and put it back in again just to find I'm wrong (again)...sigh.... :(

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go to page 3 and you'll see what he's talking about.

In the PDF they say you need to mark the bolts on the linkage before removing the linkage etc...

"Turn wiper assembly upside down. Mark and remove

connecting rod. Remove 3 bolts securing motor to wiper assembly and

remove motor. Before installing new motor, ensure it is in end

position. To complete installation, reverse removal procedure."

That is why most people don't mess with taking the motor off. Most people sell the entire thing together for simplicity sake. That being said, i'm sure someone on here has replaced just the motor either new or something of the sort.


That has some pictures which might help, not sure if you found them already or not. Whoever sold you just the linkage for 40 bucks ripped you off though :P

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Thanks for responding- I'm thinking there is still a diagram somewhere...bound to be.

I know I should have been more careful- marking the linkage before it was taken off- dumb me-

I did see all the pictures on eBay- they may be what I ultimately use...but still difficult to tell and you would hope the clearer ones were taken off while the motor was in the "stop" position, but you can't be sure. Btw, the eBay sale you posted is by far the clearest one out there and if nothing else comes up, that's what I'm going to use to make my best guestimate.

Yes, I know- I was ripped off, but for new, they are $200 and I needed one on the day I got it...badly.

Oh, and yes, i have the same files you refer to (850 pdf's) and VADIS- still no luck with those- problem was not referring to them before taking the motor off- I should have- I'm kicking myself now!

Note to self- Research fully before tacking a job you think is a piece of cake. Nothing on a Volvo is as simple as it seems.

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Its probably the exact same thing listed in VADIS, but this is the Haynes instructions for anyone else who may run into this issue;


9. Refit the motor to the frame and secure with three mounting bolts

10. If a new motor is being fitted, temporarily reconnect the wiring connectors at the car, switch on the motor then switch it off again to ensure that it is parked.

11. Position the crank arm on the motor, with the marks made on removal aligned. Prevent the crank arm from turning by holding it with a spanner, then refit and tighten the nut.

12. Alternatively, if a new frame and linkage are being fitted, set the motor to the park position as described previously then, when connecting the crank arm to the motor position it so that it is parallel with the linkage arm directly above.

13. The assembled components can now be refitted using a reversal of removal.

I know at this point i really can't help, but i'm hoping maybe with all this information someone can give insight on how to do it! ( Or a diagram like you said, would be gravy :P)

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I got it done- got a bit smarter this time- never installed completely and put the nuts on without the arms, and made white-out marks on them so I could see how the wipers would wipe without the unit going nutso against the windshield or flopping around and breaking something (without being fully installed). The first time, I followed the pattern from the eBay picture (as close as I could)- the arms would have gone all the way down and come up about 10degrees before parking from their pictures- so it was off (a smidgen). Next I followed the Haynes Manual instructions- they don't work either- the arms park midway up...I just finagled with things myself after this until things were right. BTW, the VADIS instructions are yet different from Haynes- they have you putting the pivot point of adjoining arms at 166.1 degrees....inverted and at 167 if you have an early chassis # 850 (why this would matter, I don't know unless motors were different for these). Anyway, VADIS instructions either way were off the most- the arms would have parked at the top of their arc or would have actually traveled downward instead of up (I have the earlier chassis #), following their advise. So, I have finally figured out the configuration (at least for my car) and am uploading pictures in my next post here (soon- it will take me a few minutes). This may be worth pinning by an Admin. as I know no other instructions on the web for when you don't measure the linkage before you take the motor off...

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So, looking at things now, Haynes is probably right but still lacks explanation...the piece that attaches to the motor is "parallel" to a certain extent but it should have clarified and said, extended out from the linkage directly above it...so if you extend it out in a straight line, things are correct. here is the working adjustment to the linkage (3 photos):

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Btw, I've written a tutorial with tips from my experience with all of this. Sorry, it's on another forum where I'm a moderator:


If a Mod here wants to pin this for easy reference please do so- I hope it helps others who were in the same boat as me.

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