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Well Now, Seems My Original Post Wa Deleted Or Moved..

Pops Racer

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Manning: 30 for 40, 296 yards,1 touchdown, no interceptions. Game winning drive. M-motherfucking-VP!



How ya like me now bitches?

Hows the crow taste?

Take another bite, it will soothe your upset stomachs.

You losers should be sending me money.

Oh and Elis goes to the Hall of Fame. So does Coughlin. And the Giants are 4 for 5 in the Super Bowl era.

And Henrik Lunqvuist IS the best goalie in the NHL! No hope for the Knicks tho...

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I believe all of you have some crow and a d!ick to eat!!!!! wooo mother fvcking hoooo mother fvckers!!!!!!!! talk sh!t now!!!!!!!!!! Elite just owned all if you're still hating you deserve to be ran over by an american made truck.... beiber gdizlle everyone else this means youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!

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As a Pats fan, I wasn't gonna post here, but oh well. Decent game by both teams, Eli was better than Brady, Giants got the win by making plays when they had to, Pats didn't. Shit happens.

That being said, "fans" like you guys are obnoxious. Yeah, there are plenty of Pats fans that are the same way.

I tell 'em all the same thing:


Ok, I'm done.

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Kinda dumb the original post got deleted. Big congrats to the NY Giants and Eli Manning. I would like to say though I kinda wish that Nicks would had gotten the MVP. With out his individual effort the Giants would have had no chance. Either way I hope he becomes the next Toomer for the Giants.

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I believe all of you have some crow and a d!ick to eat!!!!! wooo mother fvcking hoooo mother fvckers!!!!!!!! talk sh!t now!!!!!!!!!! Elite just owned all if you're still hating you deserve to be ran over by an american made truck.... beiber gdizlle everyone else this means youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are an example of why giants fans are f-ing D-bags lolol

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You are an example of why giants fans are f-ing D-bags lolol

oh c'mon not all of us.

Elite just owned all if you're still hating you deserve to be ran over by an american made truck....

Can you explain this american made truck comment?

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oh c'mon not all of us.

That's why I singled him out by saying you ;)

And the American truck comment makes no sense, especially because he wouldn't take the free American car after the super bowl cause he reps Toyota lololol

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Pats were hard hitting and gracious.

Welker took the hit for th incompletion, Brady made a bad throw.

Gronkowski refused to blame his injury. Stud. Period.

Belichek refused to give Giants credit. He is socially inept.

Giants punter put 3 punts inside the 10. Huge in a game where field position is immense.

Pats join Vikes, Broncos and Bills as 4 time losers. Just shows you how stats and numbers can say what you want them to say. They have also won 3 SB's.

Special teams, defense and mistakes win or lose championships. It was true here also.

And a clutch QB helps. Last 3 times Giants played Pats, Eli led them on last minute game winning touch down drives. Nuff said.

Great game, matter of fact the playoffs have produced some of the best games iIhave ever seen. with or without the Giants involved.

BONUS BONUS ! Rangers whipped the Flyers!

I am vindicated, thanks for playing.

That's why I singled him out by saying you ;)

And the American truck comment makes no sense, especially because he wouldn't take the free American car after the super bowl cause he reps Toyota lololol

You are not to be taken serioulsy, you live next door to the Kardashians...

Eli will auction off the Corvette for charity.

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You are not to be taken serioulsy, you live next door to the Kardashians....

Neither is the idiot who called out Kevin who doesn't even like football lolol

I'm just glad it was a great game, I don't know why people can't leave it at that

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Eli was better than Brady on the one day it mattered. Congrats. Him and his dad are still classless, gutless pussies. I can't understand how a class act like Peyton Manning is from the same lineage.

You are still a drunken envious child. You have no basis for that statement, its libelous. Now go rub Romos back, or what ever he has that you rub. Damn you asshole, let go already, its been 8 yrs, the fucking Chargers also got an All AMerican offensive lineman in the deal. You say Rivers is just as good or better, then you crack the organization for personnel decisions, and not surrounding Rivers with better players, further supporting the fact that :

1: The Giants are a better organization as a whole and made the right move.

B. You don't know shit about football and the business of football.

Now pick up your cricket bat and go spank your self with it. You tiresome.

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OOOOH NEG 3 That really hurts, especially since I'm a + 930 you idiots. Fuck neg me to Zero I could give a fuck.

ANd who set the over at 51? That was a Giants and the over parlay all day long. Vegas musta got beat up for that one.

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