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2-3 dollars per year. 2-3 per fudging year. Get over it. 2-3 bucks per year is worth having a team in the dam city.


Honestly can't say I didn't see it coming though. Seemed too good to be true. But still, 2-3 is NOTHING. Some residents in other cities pay much more.

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Not paying shit for a "publicly owned" facility if they still charge me $15 for a beer and pretzel. That's price gouging those fuckers. If they also increase property tax to expand showbox or studio 7 then cool cause I actually care about that but I don't understand the concept of a bunch of millionaires chasing after a ball. What gets me is them losing. Pay me their contracts and I'll do so much steroids I'll win everything. Lazy athletes...

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Hahah get over it? They monkeyin lied.. oh yea jackson... free pegs. Come get em... oh btw its not really free..

You dont care people lied cause you want the team here.

True, they lied. And yes, that pisses me off. But with OKC winning, I want a team so bad I don't care. Kill me if that's a bad thing. And what's this about pegs? Can't have enough pegs :P how much?

Not paying stuff for a "publicly owned" facility if they still charge me $15 for a beer and pretzel. That's price gouging those bastards. If they also increase property tax to expand showbox or studio 7 then cool cause I actually care about that but I don't understand the concept of a bunch of millionaires chasing after a ball. What gets me is them losing. Pay me their contracts and I'll do so much steroids I'll win everything. Lazy athletes...

2-3 in a year. Austin, you probably lose that in your couch in a year.

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if 2 or 3 bucks a year doesnt matter, then why didnt they come out and say it? hmmmmm...

hahah you think they will come back? please.. if anything, we will get a team.. stadium will be packed for the first 3 games.. then they will be lucky to get 6000 fans a night.

I saw more fans at a womens baylor game last year.

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where were you sitting, the last row in the top level?

No the whole last two seasons were very depressing to go to. Even in high school when I had season tickets we could yell at out friends sitting directly across from us on the 100 level and they could hear us

I lost all respect for Seattle sports fans when the sonics were in playoff contention, and they couldn't fill half the stadium. Yet now they have the sounders which I'm guessing 70% of the casual fan doesn't have a fuckin clue what the rules are or a deep understanding of the game, but it's the cool/in thing to do, it will be interesting if they can keep the interest level high

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Yet now they have the sounders which I'm guessing 70% of the casual fan doesn't have a monkeyin clue what the rules are or a deep understanding of the game, but it's the cool/in thing to do, it will be interesting if they can keep the interest level high

MLS average attendance apart for Seattle is 17K. Seattle's average attendance is 36K.

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